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a grandmother accidentally fills her grandson’s bottle with wine, he has an alcoholic coma

When preparing the infant’s bottle, his grandmother confused the water bottle with the white wine bottle to mix the powdered milk. The baby, in an alcoholic coma, is still in intensive care.

A serious domestic accident. This Monday, April 29, a 4-month-old infant was transported to the Perrino hospital in Brindisi in southern Italy, suffering from an alcoholic coma. While under the care of her grandmother, the latter would have inadvertently confused the water needed to prepare her bottle of milk with white wine, indicates the Italian daily La Repubblica.

The infant in intensive care

After ingesting part of the formula, the infant suddenly refuses to finish his bottle. The grandmother then realizes her mistake and “immediately alerts the emergency services”, reports the local newspaper.

Treated by medical teams, the child suffered from an alcoholic coma due to his young age. After gastric lavage, he was intubated and transferred to the Giovanni XXIII Children’s Hospital in Bari, where he is currently in the intensive care unit.

According to initial information from the Italian authorities, it was a domestic accident. The grandmother, having the habit of storing water and wine in opaque bottles, would have confused the two liquids when preparing the bottle.

Although the Brindisi public prosecutor’s office has started the first investigations to clarify the circumstances of the accident, no legal file has been opened.

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