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UN chief urges G77 to pursue financial, climate and technological justice

UN chief urges G77 to pursue financial, climate and technological justice

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday (September 27) called for financial, climate and technological justice during his speech at the annual meeting of the Group of 77 (G77) and China under the 79e session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

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United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks at the 79e session of the General Assembly on September 27 in the United States.
Photo : VNA/CVN

Our world is on a razor’s edge. Climate chaos is getting worse. Conflicts rage. Human rights are faltering. Inequalities and injustices undermine trust and the social contract of societies. The rights of women and girls are violated. Entire economies are drowning in debt. The digital divide is fast becoming a yawning chasm, and the Sustainable Development Goals are hanging by a thread“, to have you Antonio Guterres.

According to the UN chief, the G77 and China have been “the engine of progress to eradicate poverty, fight against inequalities and eliminate injustices in our postcolonial world“. “You have highlighted the need for fundamental reforms of the multilateral system“, he added.

For 60 years, year after year, the G77 and China have been on the front line to defend fairness, equality, justice and solidarity” said Mr. Guterres.

The G77 and China are essential to building a fairer, more inclusive and more prosperous world within the framework of a very busy agenda, he stressed.

The G77 was crucial in adopting the conclusions of the Future Summit, but its implementation will not be easy, as there will be a lot of resistance. The G77 must be a driving force to ensure that what we accomplished at the summit will translate into effective realities for the benefit of developing countries” he said.

Created in 1964, the G77 is the largest intergovernmental organization of developing countries within the United Nations. It takes its name from its 77 founding members, but their number has since increased considerably to reach 134 today.



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