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Nigeria – Niger. Reopening borders promotes trade

According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), this volume represents 0.87% of Nigeria’s total exports (compared to 0.30% in 1is quarter), while the borders between the two countries were reopened in March.

The announcement of the reopening of the borders between the two countries results in a resumption of trade between the two countries.

Absent among Nigeria’s top five trading partners in the first quarter, Niger became the fifth in the second quarter of 2024, accounting for 1.23% of Nigeria’s exports to ECOWAS, according to the NBS.
Nigeria’s imports from Niger are also increasing. Nigeria imported various products worth about $2 million or 1.93 percent of its total imports from ECOWAS countries, according to the NBS.

Nigeria’s exports consisted mainly of agricultural products, manufactured goods and other non-oil commodities.
Niger mainly exported livestock and agricultural products, including onions.

According to the United Nations Comtrade database, in 2022, Nigeria was Niger’s 4th supplier, representing nearly 8% of its imports.



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