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But why would women over 50 be interested in abortion?

Cleveland Republican businessman Brian Moreno (pictured) could help his party win the U.S. Senate majority in November. The political novice who enjoys Donald Trump’s support is in a heated battle with incumbent Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown. But he will have to survive the outcry over one of his recent statements on abortion.

At a town hall meeting last Friday, Moreno complained about suburban women who are concerned about the issue at the heart of the Democrats’ campaign.

“You know, the left has a lot of single-issue voters,” Moreno said. “Unfortunately, there are a lot of suburban women who are like, ‘Look, abortion is everything. If I can’t get an abortion in this country whenever I want, I’ll vote for anybody else.’” […] It’s kind of crazy, especially for women who are over 50. I’m like, ‘I don’t think this is a problem for you.'”

Senator Brown responded to the statement by relaying an MSNBC clip of his rival’s statement on X. The 57 percent he refers to in his message is the percentage of Ohio voters who voted to enshrine abortion rights in the Ohio Constitution in a referendum held last November:

Even Nikki Haley criticized the Republican candidate. “Are you trying to lose the election?” the former presidential candidate asked on X, alluding in a hashtag — #DonLemonVibes — to comments made last year by former CNN host Don Lemon, who said Haley, then 51, was “past her prime.”

A spokesperson for Moreno responded to criticism of the Trump candidate’s statement: “Bernie clearly made a joke about how Sherrod Brown and members of the left-wing media like to pretend that the only issue that matters to women voters is abortion.”

Republicans don’t need Brown’s seat at all costs to gain a majority in the Senate. If Kamala Harris wins, they would only need to defend all their seats and take away from Democrats their seats in West Virginia, which is a certainty, and Montana, which is a good probability.

If Trump won, he would only need to defend their seats and win one of those seats.

Democrats could survive the loss of these seats by surprising the two most vulnerable Republican incumbents, Rick Scott (Fla.) and Ted Cruz (Texas). Vulnerable is a relative word in both cases.

(AP Photo)

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