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RCI: FISAT, a transport exhibition, planned for October | APAnews

More than 10,000 participants are expected in Ivory Coast at the 8th edition of the International Forum and African Transport Exhibition (FISAT), which will take place around the theme “Transport, Logistics and Infrastructure: Focus on the User”.

The International Forum and African Transport Exhibition (FISAT) is an international event, planned on the banks of the Ebrié lagoon, from October 24 to 26, 2024. It is intended to be a meeting place for exchanges between major players in the transport sector and a space for reflection on user expectations.

Leading players, both nationally and internationally, are expected at FISAT 8. This forum also aims to design policies, strategies and to stimulate networking, through discussions, demonstrations of expertise and business meetings.

The launch ceremony of the 2024 edition of FISAT, coupled with the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the company Afrika Transtour, initiator of this project, is scheduled for Thursday, September 26, 2024 in the Ivorian economic capital.

Ms. Magnatié Bamba, General Commissioner of the event, works hard with the FISAT Organizing Committee to meet the needs and expectations of the stakeholders who make this sector an essential link in the Ivorian and African economy.

FISAT 7, placed under the theme “ Modernization of logistics, transport and infrastructure ecosystems: sustainability, digitalization and youth employability. What challenges and opportunities for the Africa of tomorrow? “, was opened by the Ivorian Prime Minister, Robert Mambé.

The event generated several recommendations, including the need to encourage innovation and regional collaboration, the adoption of environmentally friendly practices, and the training of young people to improve their employability in new modes of transport.

The experts also suggested the implementation of a synergy of actions between African customs services with a view to removing obstacles to the implementation of the “Yamoussoukro Decision” in order to promote integration in the air sector.

FISAT has just been recognized by the Ivorian government as a major event. It earned the company Afrika Transtour, organizer of this show, the National Prize for the best contribution to the influence of the transport sector.



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