DayFR Euro

Have you trimmed your hedge? Eupen police reminds us of the importance of this obligation: “not properly trimmed can be dangerous”

It is not the aesthetic side that is the problem here, it is the safety of pedestrians that could be concerned. Indeed, by not leaving the sidewalks free, people who use them are forced to walk on the side of the road, next to traffic. This is where a poorly trimmed hedge can represent a danger.For example, children who have to use the road to get to school.” if the sidewalks are not cleared, adds the police zone.

Hedges and plantations along the public highway must not exceed the limit of public property by more than 20 cm. ©Vesdre Gueule police zone

Apart from pedestrians, branches and leaves must not obstruct the vision of motorists, fire hydrants, street lighting, etc., she says.

The police zone insists on asking “to all owners to cut their hedges far enough back.”

The administrative police regulations – for the municipalities of Eupen, La Calamine, Lontzen and Raeren – set out all the rules to follow, including the maximum size that plantations installed along public roads can reach.They must not exceed the limit of the public domain by more than 20 cm, measured perpendicular to the foot of the hedge.”

The obligation lies either with the owner, the tenant or any operator of the land concerned. ©Thomas Launois – Fotolia

The cut must be made “at least once a year before November 1st”the police zone emphasizes. The person responsible for maintenance is either the owner, the tenant or any operator of the land concerned. And in the case of land belonging to several people, “the obligation weighs jointly and severally on each of them”.

Please note that cut branches must be removed immediately in built-up areas and within eight days outside urban areas.

Eupen police encourage citizens to contact their local authority for specific regulations.


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