Luxembourg in brief: Three collisions in less than half an hour

Luxembourg in brief: Three collisions in less than half an hour
Luxembourg in brief: Three collisions in less than half an hour

Christophe Hansen, new European Commissioner for Agriculture, met representatives of the sector in Luxembourg on Monday.

A meeting focusing on the European strategic dialogue, continuing the discussions started during the second “Landwirtschaftsdësch” in December, as well as the current challenges facing farmers, such as increasing environmental demands and the question of generational renewal in the sector .

Christian Hahn, president of the Chamber of Agriculture, insisted on the need for pragmatic and adapted policies, while emphasizing the importance of better remuneration and long-term perspectives to attract younger generations. Christophe Hansen, for his part, shared his “vision on the future of agriculture and food”, which will be presented during the first 100 days of his mandate.

Editpress/Julien Garroy


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