In the news: in the DRC, “4,000 Rwandan soldiers on Congolese territory, Kagame unmasked again”

In the news: in the DRC, “4,000 Rwandan soldiers on Congolese territory, Kagame unmasked again”
In the news: in the DRC, “4,000 Rwandan soldiers on Congolese territory, Kagame unmasked again”

Newspapers widely exploited the new report from the United Nations group of experts. The leaflet, the bi-weekly Hurricane titre « 4 000 Rwandan soldiers on Congolese territory, Kagame unmasked again “. The report is damning, notes the tabloid. Each unit of the terrorist movement which is sowing desolation in the east of the country operates under the orders of RDF. “ Without their strategic and logistical support, the expansion of the M23 would have been impossible », Specifies the investigation. In October 2024, the rapid advance of this negative force towards Walikale marked a decisive turning point in the clashes. This progression would have been facilitated by advanced weapons, provided by the Rwandan army. Intensive recruitment campaigns took place in the conquered territories.

« Thomas Lubanga puts on his Warlord costume »

It can be found on the front page of the tri-weekly AfricaNews.

Former warlord who became the first convict in the history of the International Criminal Court in 2012, the newspaper recalls, Thomas Lubangademanded by his warlike nature, took up arms again against Kinshasa. According to these United Nations experts, Lubanga, convicted of war crimes and for enlisting children, is now at the head of an armed group, called Zaire-ADCVI, active in Ituri, his favorite territory. “ This armed groupsay the experts, collaborates with the M23 rebels ». « Thomas Lubangathey continue, himself facilitated the alliance between Zaire/Adcvi and the M23, not without playing a “key role in the mobilization, recruitment and training of fighters in Ituri” ».

The first convict of the ICC has thus become an important link in the system of the M23 rebels and their ally of the Congo River Alliance -AFC- and has had a residence in Kampala since last July.

« The Congolese demand action, not simple condemnations »

Daily headline Infos27.

Despite a cascade of condemnations from UNITED STATESof theEuropean Union and theAngola after the capture of Masisi-Centre by the M23, supported by the Rwandathese firm declarations but not followed by concrete actions are causing growing frustration among the Congolese. “ Disillusioned by decades of international inactionécrit Infos27, the Congolese realize that the defense of their sovereignty can only rely on their own mobilization ».

On a daily basis The reference no longer follows: For the average Congolese, “ these press releases of condemnation are nothing more and nothing less than perlimpinpin powder to put us to sleep. During this time, the FARDC swore to no longer cross their arms, they launched a counter-offensive in Masisi and recovered some villages ».

Controversy surrounding the death sentence of the “Kuluna”

To be found in everyday life The Lighthouse.

The moratorium on the death penalty is lifted in RDCwe know it. The judicial authorities and political decision-makers are constantly reminding us. What about this criminal sanction pronounced by the civil and military courts and tribunals against registered criminals, criminals and other highway robbers, who continue to cause insomnia to Kinshasa and other residents of large Congolese cities? For many compatriots, even if we do not witness the executions of marginalized people, the fact that they are removed from their living environments is enough to reassure that we would not see them again in their former strongholds.



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