This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
Heba Press – Agadir
Yesterday Friday, the territorial center of the Royal Gendarmerie in the commune of Drarga was able to make the largest seizure of manufactured wines after raiding a secret “Al Mahaya” wine production factory, estimated at around 14 tons of water. life. , which was stored in tanks and bottles prepared for distribution in Agadir and its surroundings.
The raid resulted in the discovery of this secret hideout, which resembles an integrated industrial plant, including a pool the size of a swimming pool, large vertical tanks for the distillation process and furnaces provided for this purpose. This secret factory was located in the Tadourat district in the Dararka community, east of the city of Agadir.
During the operation, the gang members fled to an unknown destination, while the identity of the owner of the secret factory, from a neighboring town of Agadir, was determined, so that a warrant for search may be issued against him.
The secret factory was not noticed by local authorities, who believed it was intended for making beehives, as they used aromatic materials to mask the odors of the “mahia”.