Emergency: Trump needs a psychiatrist

Emergency: Trump needs a psychiatrist
Emergency: Trump needs a psychiatrist

Trump’s strange statements about the use of military force to seize the Panama Canal and Greenland and “economic force” to annex Canada once again raise serious questions about his cognitive disorders.

Actions during his first term and strange statements during his presidential campaign already raised questions about his mental balance.

In a speech in Pennsylvania, Trump spoke about the penis size of deceased golfer Arnold Palmer. On several occasions in front of his stunned supporters, Trump made bizarre digressions about a leg-eating shark.

Already in 2018, more than 70 mental health professionals signed a text in which they were alarmed by a deterioration in his mental state. They noted, among other things, his speech problems; his rambling speeches; his difficulty completing a thought; the poverty of his vocabulary with a dependence on “self-congratulatory” superlatives.

In 2020, Yale School of Medicine forensic psychiatrist Bandy Lee said his psychological disorders made Trump the most dangerous president in U.S. history.

The organization chaired by Dre Lee was already asking in 2020 for the invocation of the 25e amendment of the US Constitution so that he would be declared unfit, removed by members of his cabinet and replaced by Vice President Mike Pence.

Trump would really have to go completely off the rails for his current team of yes-men to take such an initiative.

Trump an “evil narcissist”

Donald Trump suffers from “narcissistic personality disorder”. He views himself as superior with an excessive need for admiration and a lack of understanding of the feelings of others.

His biographer, Michael D’Antonio, describes him as a dark whirlwind of cruelty, violence and fear. His sadistic cruelty, his ubuesque personality and the effrontery of his fabrications make him a master of pernicious and malevolent wickedness.

But Trump’s dangerous madness and the multitude of warnings about it have not stopped him from seducing and hypnotizing a majority of Americans. Polls during the campaign even indicated that they judged that Trump had a “mental capacity” greater than that of Biden. But a majority of respondents doubted that the two men were fit to lead the country.

Women were more likely to have doubts about Trump’s mental health. White evangelicals and under-educated white men were more likely to believe that he was mentally fit for office.

Several presidents before Trump suffered from mental illness. Lyndon Johnson was at times so emotionally unstable that his advisors consulted psychiatrists. John Kennedy and Richard Nixon took psychotropic medications daily. In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson suffered a devastating stroke that left him mentally diminished.

Towards a catastrophic slippage

A dangerously unbalanced man whose problems remain unaddressed and whose mental state continues to deteriorate is about to assume the presidency. To confront the current global crises (climate, Gaza, Ukraine), the Americans will be led by a psychopath who risks provoking others. However, they had been warned.



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