“Second front”, “cowardice”, “betrayal”: the rout of Aleppo ulcerates the Russian hawks

“Second front”, “cowardice”, “betrayal”: the rout of Aleppo ulcerates the Russian hawks
“Second front”, “cowardice”, “betrayal”: the rout of Aleppo ulcerates the Russian hawks

Published on November 29, 2024 at 7:10 p.m. / Modified on November 29, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.

3 mins. reading

Rumors have been circulating in Moscow for at least two days: cornered by the debacle of his troops in the province of Aleppo, Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad is on the verge of coming to the Kremlin – or is already there discreetly. – to seek help from his ally Vladimir Putin. On Friday, this stubborn rumor reached the ears of its spokesperson, Dmitri Peskov, who curtly refused to respond to it. He, on the other hand, denounced the offensive by anti-government forces, calling it an “attack against the sovereignty of Syria”.

He also called on the Syrian authorities to “put order into this area as quickly as possible and restore constitutional order.” This remains, to date, the only official Russian comment on recent events in this country whose regime is fully supported by Russia, which rushed to its aid in September 2015 by sending its troops and its air force.

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