Strengthened military alliances with Russia in the context of the fight against terrorism

Strengthened military alliances with Russia in the context of the fight against terrorism
Strengthened military alliances with Russia in the context of the fight against terrorism

In recent years, Bamako has developed a significant rapprochement with Moscow. Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop expressed Mali’s intention to rapidly increase its military potential with the help of Russia.

During a regional visit in early June, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yunous-Bek Yevkurov visited Bamako. This visit, according to Abdoulaye Diop, illustrates the Malian desire to accelerate the implementation of the plan to strengthen military and defense capacities.

The discussions also focused on strengthening the strategic military partnership between the two nations. This cooperation aims to improve the combat potential of the Malian defense and security forces, in order to enable them to gain autonomy, while including a program to purchase military equipment.

The change in strategic direction in Mali is marked by the arrival of new authorities after a coup in August 2020 and a rectified transition nine months later. These have redefined the strategy to combat terrorism, including a move away from relations with Paris in favor of rapprochements with Moscow.

The French forces of Operation Barkhane, successors to the Serval intervention in 2014, were replaced by Russian instructors. The latter are often described as mercenaries by Western chancelleries, although Bamako continues to deny this classification.



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