in Nice, the start of a “crazy” campaign for the legislative elections – Libération

in Nice, the start of a “crazy” campaign for the legislative elections – Libération
in Nice, the start of a “crazy” campaign for the legislative elections – Libération


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Legislative elections 2024case

In the stronghold of Eric Ciotti, now supported by the National Rally, his sworn enemy Mayor Christian Estrosi and the left are sharpening their weapons. And tempers are heating up.

Two markets, a neighborhood committee, a bunch of hours on duty. And also a chewed pissaladière, a Coke at the counter, blowing kisses. The account is there. In Nice, Eric Ciotti is rushing to recover his deputy seat. Yet “his campaign is not launched”, assures those around him this weekend. The others have already left: the camp of mayor (Horizons) Christian Estrosi, his sworn enemy, announces a “blitzkrieg” ; the left wants a fight of “judo” ; and the RN finds itself in total idleness. Release followed the first weekend of campaigning in the craziest area: the first constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes.

Eric Ciotti would have returned to Nice on Friday to “find the activists” And “rest with loved ones”, let those around him know. Impossible to follow him since his return to his native and electoral land. We ran into him by chance at the port of Nice on Friday. He rushed to his office. Behind the scenes, we explain that we must first “restructuring teams” – understand: see who remains on board and who leaves the ship,



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