justice lifts the immunity of deposed president Mohamed Bazoum

justice lifts the immunity of deposed president Mohamed Bazoum
justice lifts the immunity of deposed president Mohamed Bazoum

The former president of Niger could soon be tried. Since he was overthrown in a coup on July 26, 2023, he has been detained in the presidential residence, with his wife, in spartan conditions.

Mohamed Bazoum, president of Niger overthrown by a military regime in July 2023, could soon be tried: his country’s justice system lifted his presidential immunity on Friday, paving the way for a trial, his lawyers denouncing “the advent of the arbitrary”. “The Court orders the lifting of Mohamed Bazoum’s immunity”declared Abdou Dan Galadima, president of Niger’s highest court, created in November 2023 by the military regime.

The authorities in Niamey accuse the ousted president of “plot to attack the security and authority of the State”, “crime of treason”, “alleged acts of apology for terrorism” and of “financing of terrorism”. Mohamed Bazoum has been detained since the July 26 coup in the presidential residence, with his wife Hadiza in Spartan conditions, without telephone or visiting rights except their doctor, since mid-October, according to those around them.

“Serious violations of defense rights”

“This decision clearly condones serious violations of defense rights and announces the initiation of criminal proceedings against the President, illegally detained”reacted the collective of Bazoum lawyers in a press release. “Here lies the independence of the judiciary in Niger. Long live the advent of the arbitrary”deplored Me Moussa Coulibaly, one of the ex-president’s lawyers, believing that the Court’s decision “is extremely serious”.

Bazoum is notably accused of having spoken on the phone with French President Emmanuel Macron and American Secretary of State Antony Blinken to get them to support him. “by armed intervention”during the coup d’état of July 26, 2023. He is also accused of having asserted “having released terrorists and having received them at the presidency”.

Thursday evening, Human Rights Watch (HRW) denounced “an unfair procedure” and of “serious irregularities”. Friday’s hearing had been postponed twice, Bazoum’s lawyers having denounced several obstacles to the right of defense. “We were not allowed to meet our client and the Court refused to hear our arguments”, recalled Mr. Coulibaly on Friday. In December, the Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) ordered the release of Bazoum. The request went unheeded and Niger left ECOWAS in January, the West African organization which had sanctioned Niger after the coup, before lifting its sanctions on February 24.

Niger has changed its international alliances

Since the military came to power, Niger has changed its international alliances. Long an ally of France, notably under the presidency of Bazoum, he turned his back on Paris. The generals in power have obtained the departure of the French soldiers and are increasing their invectives against the former colonial power. They then demanded a departure of the American army from their soil which began and was expected to end in September. At the same time, Niamey is forming new partnerships with other allies, such as Iran or Russia.

Niger maintains good relations with Burkina Faso and Mali, also governed by military regimes that came to power through putsches, and with which it created the Alliance of Sahel States (AES). On the other hand, tensions are high with Benin with which Niamey refuses to reopen its border. The regime accuses its neighbor of sheltering “French bases” in its northern part in order to “to train terrorists” who would like to destabilize Niger, which both France and Benin deny.



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