Is this freshness normal? Météo France estimates that the month of June “is not out of the ordinary”

Is this freshness normal? Météo France estimates that the month of June “is not out of the ordinary”
Is this freshness normal? Météo France estimates that the month of June “is not out of the ordinary”

According to the meteorological institute, the temperature anomaly compared to seasonal norms should be “between -2 and -6°C” depending on the region, a deviation already recorded in the past.

A spring worthy of an autumn… While in mid-June the weather still remains relatively cool across the entire French territory, Météo France takes stock this Friday June 14 on the climatic situation and highlights that temperatures such lows at this time of year are not unusual.

A month of June “not out of the ordinary”

According to the meteorological institute, regarding this last week, “the current coolness is not out of the ordinary for mid-June” and “comparable coolnesses” have already been recorded at this time of year.

The article underlines that depending on the region, the temperature anomaly compared to the seasonal averages should be “between -2 and -6°C depending on the region.” For comparison, this is a much smaller difference “than in the case of an intense heatwave, where the anomaly can easily climb to +8°C”, it is reported.

In addition, it is also worth remembering that unlike the current month, the months of June in previous years have been “abnormally warm”, which accentuates the coolness of 2024.

“Over the last 5 years, we have had Junes where the average temperature across France for the month of June was +2.60°C in 2023, +2.25°C in 2022, +1.39°C in 2021, -0.32°C in 2020 and +1.23°C in 2019″, we learn.

An air mass coming from the pole but no “polar stall”

In this same article, Météo France also wishes to return to the term “polar shift”, put forward by several meteorologists to explain the coolness of this month of June.

This drop is the result of an “air mass coming from the polar circle which arrives in France and causes exceptionally low temperatures” particularly during the winter season, where it accentuates the feeling of cold.

“It remains interesting to note that the mass of air currently present in the country arrives from the poles,” we finally learn, as an explanation for the current coolness.

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