Chad faced with the influx of Sudanese refugees

Chad faced with the influx of Sudanese refugees
Chad faced with the influx of Sudanese refugees

The sun is at its zenith. Here, according to humanitarians, 100 to 1,000 refugees enter on average every day because of the Sudanese crisis. Under the bridge that marks the border, Mahamat Adoum, protection agent for the CNAR, the National Commission for the Reception of Refugees, sits in front of his desk, digital tablet in hand. He registers new refugees and directs them to a health kiosk for the first health examinations: “We are there 7 days a week. We received nearly 110 families today, they fear insecurity and famine. »

Haran Hassan Mahamat, in her forties, widow and mother of 6 children, is a recent arrival from El-Djénéina, a town in Darfur. “We just arrived because there was no means of transport. And there, we have nothing to eat and the war only continues, we don’t know which way to turn. We have lost our husbands, some have disappeared, it is difficult to communicate with others as they live in hiding because of the crisis. Given all these difficulties, we prefer to come and live with our brothers here. We’ve even already registered. »

“We have no more money”
Sudan is a forgotten crisis but the humanitarian situation here remains catastrophic, warns Laoura Lo Castro, UNHCR representative in Chad: “Here, we are at the heart of the crisis, we cannot escape the emergency and we no longer have any money. Last year, we managed to mobilize 40% of needs. Today is May and we only have 6%. How is Chad going to absorb this population and avoid humanitarian disasters,” worries the UNHCR representative.

In one year, Chad has become one of the main host countries in the world with nearly 600,000 refugees in the East if we consider the number of refugees in relation to the population. Authorities are pleading for increased support from the international community as the conflict bogs down on the other side of the border.



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