We need to stop shouting at the far right all the time!

We need to stop shouting at the far right all the time!
We need to stop shouting at the far right all the time!

The European elections which took place on June 9 confirmed the rout, throughout the EU, of parties that could be described as immigrationist.

In France, Emmanuel Macron even felt obliged to call early legislative elections.

Environmentalists, too, are experiencing a rout that borders on collapse. They embodied wokism, Islamo-leftism, immigrationism and economic decline.


On the other hand, the conservative or “nationalist” parties which oppose it and which want to put an end to massive immigration, multiculturalism and wokism are progressing everywhere, even if they do so unequally depending on the country.

They are certainly disunited, but they channel common concerns in the face of a civilization which is experiencing its demographic submersion.

We must not forget that certain countries, such as the Netherlands, have announced that they want to break with Europeanist and diversity standards in this area.

I note, however, that the media system seeks to contain these parties by demonizing them. He associates them with the “extreme right”, a way like any other of making them the heirs of fascism and Nazism.

This label, repeated everywhere, never questioned, is absurd. It only serves to demonize those who oppose the diversity ideology.

In Totalitarianism without the gulag, I recalled that this label mainly has the function of naming what the left hates. It’s a label used by haters who don’t know they are. Because yes, there is a hateful left, which paradoxically believes it has a monopoly on openness, tolerance, virtue.

Far right?

It’s about putting a dirty label on those who doubt the official discourse, so that everyone understands that if they approach it, or if they share their observation, they will also be demonized.

We will have to learn to tell what happens to us differently, freeing ourselves from an ideologically overloaded vocabulary that prevents us from understanding reality.



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