Trump campaign announces $70 million in donations in May

Trump campaign announces $70 million in donations in May
Trump campaign announces $70 million in donations in May

The campaign team of Republican candidate for the November 5 US presidential elections, Donald Trump, said it collected $70 million in donations in May.

The former US president’s campaign team plans to spend $100 million on television ads with a particular focus on four key states.

The collection of donations was reinforced following the conviction of Trump for payments intended to buy the silence of an actress a few days before the 2016 presidential election.

The real estate mogul raised more than $53 million in online donations alone in the 24 hours following his verdict in New York, according to his campaign team.

Read also: US presidential election: Trump enters TikTok

The donations collected will be used to finance Trump’s electoral campaign mainly in the states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada.

President Joe Biden’s campaign team has long maintained a significant financial advantage over Trump’s.

According to a Decision Desk HQ/The Hill poll, Trump leads Biden by 3% in Arizona, 3% in Nevada, 4% in Georgia, 2% in Pennsylvania and 1% in Wisconsin.

Biden and Trump each crossed the threshold of delegates to become the candidates of their respective parties, paving the way for a new duel after that of 2020.

According to several analysts, the presidential election will be played out in key “swing states”, which swing from one election to another into the Democratic camp or the Republican camp.

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