President Salomé Zourabichvili denounces a “total violation of voters’ rights”

President Salomé Zourabichvili denounces a “total violation of voters’ rights”
President Salomé Zourabichvili denounces a “total violation of voters’ rights”

Published on 28/10/2024 16:21

Updated on 28/10/2024 16:47

Reading time: 1min – video: 12min

Georgia president
Georgian President Salomé Zourabichvili spoke with franceinfo.

The Georgian head of state, breaking with the ruling party, was the guest of franceinfo.

The President of Georgia Salomé Zourabichvili, opposed to the government, denounced Monday October 28 in an interview with franceinfo a “total violation of voters’ rights” after Saturday's contested elections. The election was completely stolen, that's the general feeling in Georgia''she said.

The president initially announced the victory of the pro-European opposition on Saturday based on exit polls. But after the announcement of the government's victory, she judged on Sunday that the electoral process had been the target “a special Russian operation”.

“Today the Georgian government acted as a proxy for Moscow, took up Russian campaign and propaganda themes”the head of state was indignant on franceinfo. “There is ample evidence [de fraudes]she said, agreeing with the international observers present during the vote. She emphasized “that the real demonstration will be in the streets”. Salomé Zourabichvili, like the opposition parties, called on Georgians to demonstrate Monday evening against the election results.



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