the body of a woman found in the mouth of an alligator

the body of a woman found in the mouth of an alligator
the body of a woman found in the mouth of an alligator

While investigating the disappearance of an American woman on Tuesday May 28, police in Houston, Texas, found the remains of a woman trapped in the jaws of an alligator.

This Tuesday, May 28, the body of a woman in her sixties was found in the mouth of an alligator near Horsepen Bayou lake in the city of Houston in Texas (United States), said the department’s police in a press release.

At the time of this macabre discovery, Houston police were investigating the disappearance of a Texas woman. Although the victim’s identity and cause of death are still unknown, investigations are currently underway.

After spotting the alligator near Horsepen Bayou Lake around 8:40 a.m. (local time) Tuesday, Houston police opened fire. Once the animal was killed, divers then recovered the victim’s remains and the body of the alligator.

Further investigation will determine whether the victim is indeed the woman currently sought by local authorities and whether or not the cause of death is related to the alligator present at the scene.

Precedents in Florida

Eight months ago, a similar event occurred in the town of Largo, Florida. The body of a 41-year-old woman was pulled from the mouth of an alligator after a resident saw the animal coming out of the water with the remains between its fangs.

Also in Florida, last February, an 85-year-old woman was killed by an alligator while she was walking her dog in Fort Pierce.

Although alligator attacks are more common in Florida, they remain rare in Texas. The last time such an event took place was in 2015, when a 28-year-old man was killed while swimming in the waters of Clear Lake, Texas. indicates the American channel ABC 13 .

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