Completely naked, a 19-year-old kills a jogger in a park and attacks random passers-by while screaming loudly

Completely naked, a 19-year-old kills a jogger in a park and attacks random passers-by while screaming loudly
Completely naked, a 19-year-old kills a jogger in a park and attacks random passers-by while screaming loudly

This Tuesday, May 22, a young man aged 19 fatally attacked a jogger in a park in Männedorf, Switzerland.

He was completely naked and was screaming loudly. A young man aged 19 fatally attacked a jogger this Tuesday evening, around 8 p.m. The circumstances of the crime must be clarified and it is currently unknown whether the suspect used a weapon.

He then attacked other passers-by, attacked randomly, indicates the Swiss media Freedom. One person was slightly injured.

Suspect arrested

People present on site were able to raise the alarm and the suspect was arrested. The jogger did not survive her injuries despite resuscitation attempts.

On Tuesday evening, a woman was attacked and fatally injured by a man in Mannedorf“, said the Zurich cantonal police. “Passersby reported the presence of a naked man in Alma Park who was shouting and physically attacking other people. she added.

“The history of the crime as well as other matters, including whether the perpetrator and the victim knew each other and the victim’s identification, are the subject of an ongoing investigation, police added in a statement. After police interrogation, the arrested person will be referred to the Attorney General for serious and violent offenses.”



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