Dismissal of Emmanuel Macron: Law Commission, Parliament, High Court… we explain the stages of the procedure

Dismissal of Emmanuel Macron: Law Commission, Parliament, High Court… we explain the stages of the procedure
Dismissal of Emmanuel Macron: Law Commission, Parliament, High Court… we explain the stages of the procedure

This Tuesday, September 17, 2024, the office of the National Assembly validated the impeachment procedure of Emmanuel Macron carried by La insoumise. We explain the steps of this rare procedure.

For Gabriel Attal, it is “a declaration of war on our institutions.” For LFI, “a response worthy of the anti-democratic coup”The impeachment proposal targeting Emmanuel Macron took a new step this Tuesday, since after its validation by the office of the National Assembly, it is moving into Law Commission.

It is Article 68 of our Constitution which governs this process. We explain its different stages to you.

First step passed

This Tuesday, the procedure for the impeachment of the President brought by LFI passed its first stage since it was validated at the office of the National Assembly. During this meeting, there were 10 votes “against” and 12 “For”.

The Law Commission

The procedure will soon land in the Law Commission. Its role is to study the reasons why it was opened. The Constitution states that impeachment can only be triggered by “case of default [du chef de l’État] to his duties manifestly incompatible with the exercise of his mandate”.

The Parliament

Undoubtedly the most critical step for such a procedure. Within thirteen days following the Law Commission, the National Assembly, then the Senate, will have to position themselves for or against the dismissal of the head of state. The text will have to obtain 392 votesIf the first chamber of Parliament validates it, followed by the upper chamber, the text will go to the High Court.

The Ad Hoc Jurisdiction

The High Court will remain. The proposal to merge Parliament into the High Court will be assessed by the latter. Composed of 22 parliamentarians, She will vote for or against impeachment. She may request to hear the President on this occasion and the debates will be made public. Votes, however, will be by secret ballot.



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