DayFR Euro

first match, first major challenge for Volley-Ball


The poster is beautiful. For a first match, it is even rather very good between two title contenders. All in Grenon, please! Enough to satisfy the thirst for volleyball for the Touraine spectators who have been waiting for just that since this MSL final lost, before their eyes and in the golden set, by the TVB, at the end of April, against Saint-Nazaire.

Yes, the poster is beautiful, even if it is appropriate to put into perspective what we can expect from it as a first match is always very special. With teams in construction mode, and even foundation. With a certain part for the random, the uncontrolled. With also a pressure, that of the first step, to sweep away.

The TVB can attest to this strongly from last season, having won the Supercup, followed by a laborious success against Saint-Jean-d’Illac before losing five matches in a row to, ultimately, lose the title for three small points…

The TVB with much less certainty than hoped

An experience not to be forgotten as the Tourangeaux prepare to embark on this 2024-2025 season with few certainties, much less in any case than hoped. Due to the cascade of injuries which complicated the preparation, and the suspension of Zeljko Coric which did not make it easier and will inevitably weigh on the first two matches, this Saturday against Montpellier, but again on October 5 in .

“We must not give up”

“We make do with what we have and in high-level sport, there are always situations that are not easy, convient Marcelo Fronckowiak. But it’s still the start of the season, it’s still a new adventure to start. » And take care to add: “This first match deserves to be considered with the right measure, the right reading, that of the moment. Namely that Montpellier is the favorite, but we must not give up. »

The absence of Coric, a “very important lack”

If the TVB coach emphasizes “the very important lack” what the absence of Coric represents, he expects complete commitment from his group. “Despite difficult results during our friendly matches, there were good things that allowed us to take a set against two great Italian teams (Perugia and Milan)also against . Even when we had a lot of breakages during preparation, we never stopped working seriously. I see good engagement. »

A commitment that will be all the more fundamental to have this Saturday, given the circumstances in and the opponent who has only one ambition: to leave Tours with three points.

This Saturday, September 28, at 8 p.m., Grenon room

Tours : 3. Faganas (point, 2 m), 5. Aracaju (central, 2 m, Bré.), 6. Pothron (réc-att., 1.98 m), 7. Ramon (free, 1.85 m), 8. Gabin (passer, 1.87 m), 9. Quiroga (1.92 m, Arg), 11. Gergye (réc-att., 1.98 m, Hon), 12. Marshman (central, 2.01 m, E.-U.), 14. Strehlau (réc-att., 1.99 m), 15. Scherer (libero, 1.86 m), 20. Egleskalns (point, 2.04 m, Let.) , 21. Voss (central, 2.01 m, Bré.), Meyer (passer, 1.97 m). Ent. : Marcelo Fronckowiak.

Montpellier : 4. Spano (rec-att., 1.93 m), 5. Conré (rec-att., 1.92 m), 7. Pascal (central, 1.98 m), 9. Corre (passer, 1, 96 m), 11. Seddik (central, 2.12 m), 13. Palacios (réc-att., 1.98 m, Arg), 14. Le Goff (central, 2.06 m), 17. Lopez ( réc-att., 1.90 m, Arg), 22. Phelut (libero, 1.81 m), 74. Dimitrov (point, 2.06 m, Bull), 99. Coulet (passer, 1.86 m) . Ent. : Loïc Le Marrec.

the sentence

“I am not focusing on the absence of Coric but on the entire TVB squad. »

From Loïc Le Marrec, the Montpellier coach, who is still wary of a match in Tours, even if the TVB will have to do without its passer and captain. “It’s never easy, historically, to play it. Is it a good time to go? His substitutes are also good passers, this can also take some pressure off the Touraine team… And then, there is the whole squad which is of quality. It’s not easy to play them. »


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