The trial of Tony Peillon will open on Friday January 24 in Albi, before the criminal court of Tarn. The young man, nicknamed by the local press the “Rocancourt of Tarn” – a reference to the famous crook Christophe Rocancourt – is accused of rape by five women and sexual assault by a sixth.
The facts, which allegedly took place between 2015 and 2021 Rennes, bleach et Narbonnewere denounced by women who were often weakened and duped by Peillon's multiple fictitious identities.
Tony Peillon, a repetitive operating mode
According to testimonies collected by investigators, the accused took advantage of his proximity to his victims to break into their home, claiming the late hour or a need for accommodation.
While no traces of drugs were detected, the prosecution's accounts present recurring patterns of manipulation and control. “All report that they woke up in a daze and discovered that he was carrying out penetration or sexual assault”describes Me Blanchet Magon.
A past as a delinquent and manipulator
Born in Bangkok in 1996 and adopted by a French couple, Tony Peillon has a past marked by abandonment and family breakdowns. Convicted for the first time in 2014, he then accumulated seven convictions for fraud and various offenses.
-His schemes range from pretending to be a motorcycle racer to being a former member of the special forces in Ukraine. In 2022, he defrauded humanitarian volunteers before being arrested and imprisoned upon his return to France.
The psychiatric expertise reveals a “predatory character” and a propensity to exploit the fragilities of his victims, often vulnerable or in distress situations. If Peillon admits to sexual relations with certain victims, he claims their consent and accuses them of having ganged up against him out of revenge.
A high-voltage trial in Albi
The debates, which will last until January 29, will focus on his responsibility, but also on the psychological and physical impact on the victims. One of them had to terminate a pregnancy.
Tony Peillon, who faces up to 15 years of criminal imprisonment, claims to be innocent. “He does not deny having known most of the victims, moreover, for the majority, he does not deny the existence of relationships (sexual)but which are consented”one of his two lawyers, Baptiste Bourqueney, told AFP.
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