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Why Internet users validate Netflix series number 2

This American western series is currently number 2 on the Netflix top. Internet users are absolutely won over by this story and have given their opinion on social networks.

This time, that's it, Squid Game was dethroned after breaking all records. The South Korean series, which occupied first place in Netflix's top 10 since December 26, was dislodged from the top spot by At the dawn of Americawhich has since moved to second place in the ranking of the most viewed fiction in . In 1857, we plunge into the Utah War, which pitted the United States against the Mormon pioneers gathered in their self-proclaimed State of Deseret. More particularly, we experience this conflict through the journey of Sara Rowell and her son Devin as they cross Deseret and narrowly escape the Mountain Meadows massacre, during which Mormons and natives kill a hundred migrants in the middle of a stampede. the West. Through six episodes, Sara and Devin meet characters who will sometimes want to help them reach the West, sometimes put obstacles in their way. Internet users are enjoying this atmosphere.

Subscribers applaud At the dawn of America

On the Netflix France Facebook group, managed by Leisure an Internet user won over by At the dawn of America writes that it is a “excellent series”. “I wish it wouldn’t stop,” she adds. Another agrees: “Me either, I would have liked it not to end because this series is so danish and super qualitative on all levels! The staging, the direction, the photography, the interpretation, the atmosphere… you really feel like you've been transported to the American West of the time. This series is a masterpiece!” A third applauds the revival of the genre: “Excellent western: we are light years away from the westerns of the 60s with John Wayne. We have the impression that there will be a sequel.”

At the dawn of America : a series based on the true history of the United States

Other Netflix subscribers admit to giving up watching, finding the series “too violent” or “gore”. And they won over by reminding them that it is precisely because the true story on which the program is based was particularly violent. This is indeed a story about the construction of the United States as we know it today. The Utah War actually happened, as did the Mountain Meadows Massacre. The Mormon militia and their native allies had spared only 17 children under the age of 6 among all those who made up the caravan leaving for California.


Article written in collaboration with 6Médias.



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