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Nurseries: Pierre Ouzoulias or the variable geometry law

This name certainly doesn't mean much to you. Pierre Ouzoulias is a communist senator from Hauts-de-Seine. He is also vice-president of the Senate and member of the Culture committee. Such a pedigree presupposes perfect knowledge of the laws. This is, no doubt, why our man made a tweet on Christmas Day to track down crèches (it's in the spirit of the times), in this case on the Bus Shelters™ in Vendée. Taking to task the Minister of the Interior who was once, following Philippe de Villiers, president of the departmental council of Vendée, Pierre Ouzoulias saw fit to make this reference to the law of 1905 to denounce ” a gross attack on secularism “. A publication which displays, at the time of publishing these lines, 298,500 views.

Except that… our elected communist, so quick to want to enforce the law, forgot in passing the one that protects photographers from the use of their images without their authorization. Bravely trampling on the Intellectual Property Code, our slayer of traditions has simply appropriated our illustration! He could have simply re-shared our publication, which was his right, but who knows why, perhaps he felt above the law?

Pierre Ouzoulias is part of this generation, fortunately aging, who likes to wipe the slate clean. No offense to him, this tradition of exhibiting nativity scenes does not date from his tweet. By digging into his childhood memories, perhaps he would find some memories there? By looking further still, and without going as far as Assisi, undoubtedly too far from the Senate, perhaps the historian that he is would remember that it dates from the 13the century. And, digging a little further, would he find this historical event as old as this New Year that we are going to celebrate.

Mr. Senator, if you read us, we can only invite you to come to Vendée! Dare to cross the ring road and come take your own photos, rather than copying those of others, from a stronger without crediting them. Along the way, you would learn that in Vendée, like everywhere in , it is tradition, therefore, to exhibit nativity scenes. Other right-thinking people like you have, in their time, tried to take legal action to remove these figurines installed in the department's hotel. But the courts dismissed these human rights and free thinkers leagues, recognizing the cultural character of these crèches. The general council, then chaired by Bruno Retailleau, won a long legal battle against the free censors.

Also Alain Leboeuf, the current president of the department, would have no reason to interrupt such a beautiful tradition established by Philippe de Villiers. The latter confided to us on this subject: “ Or we practice empty secularism, secularism, and in this case, we get carried away by wokism and Islamism. Or we choose what I call a loving secularism which is established on our History, our intangible heritage. » You who love culture, come and discover this land with a double heart which has so many stories to share. At the bend of our little roads in the bocage, who knows, you might come across, there is still time, these famous Bus Shelters™ so well decorated and there, you could finally photograph them yourself before tweeting.

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