The Traitors (M6): Stomy Bugsy bursts into tears after the elimination of Laly Meignan
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The Traitors (M6): Stomy Bugsy bursts into tears after the elimination of Laly Meignan

After a short hiatus and a change of broadcast day, the show The Traitors finally returned to our screens this Friday, September 13. During the evening, several candidates were eliminated while there were 11 of them still in the adventure at the beginning of the program. We had thus found Laly, Carla Lazzari, Crazy Sally, Gwendal Marimoutou, Studio Danielle, Arthur, Bruno Solo, Hugo Manos, Laurent Ruquier, Romain Puértolas but also Stomy Bugsy. It was first Romain Puértolas who said goodbye to his companions disappointed to discover that he was not in fact a traitor but loyal. Then, it was against Laly that the other candidates voted before regretting, once again, this choice since the actress was not in the wrong camp either.

inread : The Traitors – Frédérique Bel: “Something happened that the viewers didn’t see…”

Stomy Bugsy craque…

Faced with this discovery, some were disillusioned, like Carla Lazzari, who blamed herself for having motivated the decision to eliminate Laly. And she was not the only one in this case since Stomy Bugsy simply burst into tears. Indeed, after the departure of the candidate who confirmed that she was loyal, the artist had trouble hiding his emotion. While Carla ran to console him, the singer admitted his regrets. In the meantime, Laurent Ruquier told him: “It’s a game Stomy, it’s a game”. And the main person concerned replied: “I was the one who sent her to the fire… The first person who wrote her name”Off the record, the loyalist confided in front of the M6 ​​cameras: “At that moment, I am overcome with emotion. I am sad, I am really sad.”.

Still in the round table room, Laurent Ruquier, who is hiding his game well, tried to confuse the issue. Faced with Stomy Bugsy’s emotion, he thus added to his previous comment: “Stomy, I am more and more convinced of your innocence.”. Annoyed, Studio Danielle regretted off the record: “I told them: ‘Don’t put Laly!'”. After the latter’s elimination, Carla Lazzari understood that she was next on the list of TraitorsSad to leave, she confided before even knowing her fate: “In any case, know that I loved sharing this moment with you”. A beautiful farewell since she then left the adventure on the sly after Crazy Sally, Hugo Manos and Laurent Ruquier sealed her fate in the game! See you next Friday, September 20th from 9:10 p.m. to find out if the Traitors have still managed to do their part…


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