Hugo Manos (The Traitors) bursts into tears while reading a letter from his mother
DayFR Euro

Hugo Manos (The Traitors) bursts into tears while reading a letter from his mother

During the fourth evening dedicated to season 3 of Traitorsbroadcast this Friday, September 13 on M6, Laurent Ruquier’s partner could not contain his emotion upon receiving news from his mother.

A formidable game. In The Traitorsthe famous show hosted by Éric Antoine since 2022 on M6, the production team will stop at nothing to put the personalities’ nerves to the test. In addition to repeated lies and betrayals, anything goes to make the players crack. Hugo Manos can testify to this. The 35-year-old TV columnist is one of the ten candidates from season 3 still in the competition. During episode 7, broadcast this Friday, September 13 – the new slot of the program -, he had to take on a duel challenge with YouTuber Arthur Lombard. Each had the mission of describing a scene they had just witnessed and the other had to guess whether it had really happened or not. But during the test, Laurent Ruquier’s companion received a gift that upset him.

“She thanked me for taking care of her” : Hugo Manos moved to tears by his mother’s tender message in The Traitors 2024

“I saw a young man with a cape and he had a message for me”Hugo Manos first explained. It was a message from my mother…”he continued before starting to cry. Then, the Franco-Greek quickly described what the letter contained. “She told me she was proud of me and thanked me for taking care of her.”revealed the former sports coach. Tears which visibly destabilized Arthur Lombard. “He probably has a close relationship with his mother. He’s been away from her for a long time. I don’t know if that’s what he saw, but in any case, those aren’t fake tears running down his face.”said Studio Danielle’s sidekick.

“We are a rather modest family” : Hugo Manos discusses for the first time his relationship with his mother in The Traitors 2024

In the rest of the sequence, Hugo Manos reveals the content of the message by reading the letter aloud. “My beloved son, I wanted to write to you about all my admiration and pride for the man you have become. We have experienced more difficult times than others, but for several years now we have been building a special relationship based on complicity, kindness and sincere love.” And the TV columnist reacted to these few lines. We are a rather modest family. We don’t make long declarations to each other and there, for the first time in 35 years of life, I see words that touch me. It’s good to hear that”he confided before concluding. “Thank you Mom for your kind words.” A sequence rich in emotion.


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