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“If you have to enter your code, I don’t see the point”: the new contactless payment rules divide

Contactless payment is now possible beyond the ceiling of 50 euros.

But you still have to enter your code.

Enough to question the interest of the measure.

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What was supposed to happen happens in 2024. First set at 20 euros in 2012, the authorized limit for contactless payment increased to 30 euros in 2017, then to 50 euros in 2020. It is now on the verge of extinction, with the ongoing deployment of a new function called “Contactless Plus”, aimed at allowing the payment of any amount without having to insert a bank card. However, entering your code remains necessary if the price displayed exceeds the threshold of 50 euros.

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In a supermarket in Ceyrat (Puy-de-Dôme), the reactions, collected by TF1 as part of the 1 p.m. news report broadcast this Friday, June 28, to be found in the video at the top of this article, are mixed. “I don’t really see the point if you have to enter a code, it’s not very practical and it doesn’t save time, you might as well insert your card”tackles a woman leaving the checkout. “I find that rather reassuring”contradicts a man pushing his shopping cart.

61% of bank card payments are contactless

Brice Meunier, the supermarket director, is delighted with this new feature: “As is often the case, we do several contactless transactions during the day, we end up exceeding certain ceilings, which was wasting us time because we had to go back to a traditional card payment, so we will no longer exceed them. “ More than 60% of in-store purchases are made using contactless payment, according to the Payment Methods Security Observatory (OSMP).

6% of bank card holders refuse contactless

Removing the 50 euro ceiling should allow its use to increase further. “This convenience that consumers and merchants have learned about the contactless gesture, they were keen to extend it regardless of the amount of the transaction, to ultimately have the same use with the card as with mobile payment, unlimited, fluid and secure”explains to TF1 Löys Moulin, director of development of the Bank Card Group.

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Maintaining the code is intended to reassure the 6% of cardholders declaring themselves hostile to contactless, because they fear having their money easily stolen in the event of loss or theft of their bank card, or even being a victim. of a pickpocket 2.0 who would manage to trigger a payment by placing a terminal near a pocket or a bag, for example on public transport. This is despite the fact that the contactless fraud rate, estimated at 0.016% by the OSMP, is much lower than those of all other payment methods, including mobile payment.

Hamza HIZZIR | Reportage TF1 Colyne Emeriau, Patrick Delannes


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