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This theory that would explain how Rob is linked to Jamie

Part 2 of Season 7 ofOutlander will not be broadcast before November 2024. While waiting for its broadcast on Netflix, fans are having fun revealing their theories, and one of them concerns a possible link between Rob Cameron and Jamie Fraser.

After more than a year of waiting, Outlander made its comeback on Netflix with a seventh season full of twists and surprises. While Jamie and Claire decided to return to their home country, the mood was significantly less happy for Brianna and Roger. One of the young woman’s new colleagues, Rob Cameron, kidnapped their son Jemmy after learning the whereabouts of the Spanish gold hidden by Jamie. Thanks to Roger’s information, he went into the past with the young boy. But the father did not say his last word and immediately set out in search of his son with his ancestor, Buck.

Outlander : This fan theory links Rob Cameron to Jamie Fraser

While the second half of season 7 is expected on Netflix for November 24 in France, fan theories continue to flood in on the Web. A user of Reddit shared a theory that Rob is said to be related to Jamie’s aunt, Jocasta.. “I’m sure I’m not the only one making this prediction, but Rob Cameron must be a time traveler from Hector Cameron’s family, either a distant descendant of Hector Cameron or one of Hector’s family members.”. Hector is not a character in the television series, but his story is closely linked to that of the Frasers. He was the founder of the North Carolina plantation known as River Run with his wife Jocasta. After Hector’s death, she married a friend of Jamie’s, Duncan Innes. If this theory turns out to be true, it means Rob is related to Claire Fraser’s husband.

According to this theory, the connection between Rob Cameron and Jamie Fraser is at the origin of Jemmy’s kidnapping.

According to the user of Redditthis connection between Jamie Fraser and Rob Cameron could explain his motivation behind Jemmy’s kidnapping. “He takes Jemmy because he knows where the cave with the gold is and Jemmy’s return to the 1700s means Rob is the only owner of River Run in his care”, we can then read. It remains to be seen whether this theory of a link between Rob Cameron and Jamie Fraser turns out to be correct.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias


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