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Daily: At 33, a former columnist well known to viewers will be at the helm of her own show

At only 33 years old, Lilia Hassaine has quite a career. In 2017, the journalist – who had already worked for The world, The Parisian and Arte – integrated the band of Dailyfirst as co-presenter of the section 8 p.m. Mediathen at the head of the Zoom. The one who paraded for the Jean Paul Gaultier brand then withdrew from the program in September 2019 to promote her book The Eye of the Peacock. Then, she came back in January 2020. Finally, she left Daily in 2022. That’s the history.

The one who met with great success with her third work Panorama released in 2023, will make its big radio premiere as revealed The Parisian. It is on France Inter in a one-hour program that will honor French-speaking authors that listeners will be able to find her. A weekly meeting that will take place on Saturdays starting August 31.Lilia is someone who is cultured, creative and original. She has a communicative passion for books, which she knows how to make accessible to as many people as possible.“, declared Adèle Van Reeth, the boss of France Inter, to Parisian.

A show whose concept has been revealed

The concept of her show, whose name and schedule have not been revealed, is simple. Lilia Hassaine will receive an author for a 40-minute interview to present his work.As a writer who has been in their shoes by being interviewed on the radio, I am perhaps aware of the questions that authors are not asked enough and of what it is to write a novel” she told our colleagues.

The show will also give a voice to booksellers who will be able to recommend books. Another thing, the young woman wants to highlight a paperback book each week.

The arrival of this new program on France Inter is the consequence of the cessation of The French-speaking bookstorepresented since 2005 by Emmanuel Khérad.


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