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MBC Vehicle Use: Managing Director Anooj Ramsurrun Faces Allegations

After Police Commissioner Anil Kumar Dip, it is now the turn of the Director General of the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC), Anooj Ramsurrun, to be the subject of allegations concerning abuses linked to the use of official vehicles.

A letter of denunciation was sent a few days ago to the Director General of the Financial Crimes Commission (FCC). The whistleblower, who presents himself as a Senior Driver of the MBC, alleges that Anooj Ramsurrun had committed several “offences”.

According to this letter, the CEO of the MBC acquired a Jaguar 9855 at a cost of Rs 2.4 million for his personal use. It is also mentioned that his wife would use a white Kia Picanto, belonging to MBC and dating from 2021, for her personal travel, with an MBC driver at her service. The name of this driver is mentioned in the letter.

Another MBC car, also with a driver, would be used by Anooj Ramsurrun’s daughter for commuting to work and other trips.
In response to the allegations, Anooj Ramsurrun said that his contract as CEO entitles him to an official car that he can use for personal purposes. “Like my predecessors, I was given several options: to use my own car with a substantial allowance, or an MBC car with a lower allowance. I chose the latter option. Therefore, I am entitled to use this MBC vehicle for my personal travel, including with my family.”

He clarified that the Jaguar belongs to MBC. “Personally, I own a BMW. I’m glad this matter is being brought to the FCC. There have been a lot of reports about me at the FCC, but I’m “clean.” I have never broken the law. In addition, I often dispense with the services of the driver assigned to me. »


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