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BFMTV apologizes after a banner deemed defamatory by Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Par B.P.

25 minutes ago,

Update 22 minutes ago

Alain Finkielkraut, Wednesday, in “BFM Story”
BFMTV screenshot

Comments by Alain Finkielkraut, highlighted on screen during the essayist’s interview by Olivier Truchot and Alain Marshall, have sparked the anger of the left-wing tribune.

“For the first time since the end of the Second World War, the Jewish question is at the heart of French political life. » Guest by Olivier Truchot and Alain Marshall, Wednesday, in “BFM Story”, Alain Finkielkraut expressed his concerns about the “drifts” of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and La France Insoumise. A concern which makes him think that French people of Jewish faith would no longer be safe in a left-wing government linked to Mélenchon.

“My parents, every time there was an election, would ask themselves, is this good for the Jews? I was lenient with that, I knew where they were coming from, but I never thought that way.. There I have to ask myself the question, and it’s terrible for me (…) If Jean-Luc Mélenchon comes to power, it’s not bad for the Jews, it’s over for the Jews. Of course they will be able to live, but they will no longer feel confident. Some will leave, others will stay, but very suspicious”assured the author of the New love disorderwho is also host of the show “Répliques”, on France Culture.

Read alsoAlain Finkielkraut: “The bet on anti-Semitism has proven to be a winner for LFI”

“Comments that could have shocked”

While Alain Marshall asked his guest for clarification on this position « grave »the phrase “Mélenchon in power, finished for the Jews” was taken up by BFMTV in a banner, at the bottom of the screen, for a few minutes.

Which aroused the ire of the left-wing tribune. “Is there a way to stop this level of ignominy? Is there a single journalist left at BFM worthy of the Munich charter to oppose this form of defamation?”castigated Mélenchon on social networks, referring to the European declaration of the rights and duties of journalists signed in 1971.

Read also“It would be better if he kept quiet”: Anne Sinclair slams Jean-Luc Mélenchon in “Quotidien”

Recognizing an error – that of not having further contextualized this quote by recalling its author – BFMTV presented its apologies through the voice of Alain Marshall, in the program the next day. Apologies to viewers.

“Last night on “BFM Story” we welcomed the writer, academic, philosopher Alain Finkielkraut. He made comments that could have shocked viewers. We made the mistake of writing one of his sentences on our banner, at the bottom of the screen, without specifying that it was him who was speaking. It was in no way information or a statement from BFMTV. Despite the quotation marks that were on the screen, to avoid any confusion we should have specified that these were his comments.”



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