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David bids farewell to the Institute…

On June 28 in Ici tout commence (TF1, 6:35 p.m.), David says goodbye to the Institute, and Carla invites Souleymane, Pénélope, Jasmine and Jim to spend the summer with the mysterious Paul Garnier…

In the first episode ofHere it all begins from Friday, June 28, 2024, Carla (Aaricia Lemaire) is looking for a new house to spend the summer holidays. Bérénice (Bérénice Tannenberg) points out that they already have a rental, but Carla won’t listen. She won’t go to Paul Garnier’s (Avy Marciano) because she doesn’t want him to get close to her mother. Annoyed, Bérénice declares that she will have to spend her holidays alone, since she herself has decided to go. With her back to the wall, Carla ends up agreeing to spend the summer in Paul’s house.

Like every morning, Leonard (Thomas Vilan) brings Maya (Alexandra Favalli) breakfast to her room. Malik (Oscar Al Hafiane) doesn’t really want to let him in, but Maya warns him: if they become a couple, he’s going to have to accept certain things, including Leo’s omnipresence in his life. Malik is understanding, but he agrees with Leonard that he’ll only come twice a week…

David gets the position of boss at FC Madrid

Elsewhere at the Institute, David (Liam Hellmann) empties his bag with Stanislas (Hubert Roulleau). Having come second in his class, he lost all his chances of becoming the new head of FC Madrid. He has the impression that he will never get over it… While on duty at Double A, the young man receives a call from Mr. Freiss, the FC Madrid recruiter. The latter learned that he had finished second in his class, but he still wants to offer him the job. Indeed, his candidacy was supported by Mr. Du Chesnay. Overjoyed, David goes to thank Stanislas, who is with Hippolyte (Tom Novembre). Stanislas is surprised to hear David’s news, having not contacted FC Madrid at all. It turns out that it was Hippolyte who supported his former student’s candidacy. He thinks David is very talented and deserves his place there.

At the amphitheater, it’s the graduation ceremony. Tom (Tom Darmon) finishes third in his class, Kelly (Axelle Dodier) second. As for Jasmine (Zoï Séverin), she obtains the place of major for the third year in a row. She announces that she is going to try the Institute’s master’s exam…

Carla invites Souleymane, Pénélope, Jasmine and Jim to spend the summer with Paul Garnier

After graduation, the whole Institute meets at Double A around a drink. Antoine (Frédéric Diefenthal) takes the opportunity to announce to Souleymane (Dembo Camilo) and Pénélope (Laurence Facelina) that he will have to cancel their departure on a cruise. He doesn’t want to leave Leroy (Stéphane Blancafort) alone in charge of the Institute all summer. He doesn’t fully trust her. Souleymane and Pénélope pretend to be disappointed, but above all they are reassured. The vacation on Antoine’s sailboat enchanted neither of them.

Finally, Souleymane, Pénélope, Jasmine and Jim (Loan Becmont) find themselves without a vacation. Upon learning this, Carla has an idea. Without bothering to ask Rose’s (Vanessa Demouy) permission, she invites them all to spend the summer at Paul Garnier’s house. For her part, Maya goes to see Quentin (Tristan Bowles). The latter tells him that he has obtained a position as assistant in a French gourmet restaurant in London. He will therefore spend the summer there to prepare for the Master’s exam. Besides, he got Maya a place in the brigade. The young woman is delighted, but she had promised Malik to spend the summer with him.

Maya, Malik and Leonard remain at the Institute

In the second episode ofHere it all begins on Friday June 28, Maya talks to Malik about Quentin’s proposal to go and work all summer in a London restaurant. Malik finds that the opportunity cannot be refused, but Maya hesitates. On the one hand, she doesn’t yet know Quentin well. On the other hand, she doesn’t want to spend two months away from her new boyfriend. She therefore decides to stay in Calvières for the summer. A little later, Leonard asks Maya and Malik to join him in Hortense’s (Catherine Davdyzenka) brigade for the summer. Maya accepts immediately, but Malik hesitates. Since Maya’s fake love letter, Hortense has been avoiding him…

To make things right, Maya goes to Hortense and confesses to her that she wrote the love letter signed by Malik. Hortense points out that it was very disrespectful, but she thanks her for her honesty. She agrees to take her into her brigade, as well as Malik and Leonard. On the other hand, she orders them never to involve her in their affairs of the heart again.

David leaves the Institute and Paul has a secret

It’s David’s last day at the Auguste Armand Institute. Although very happy to have obtained the position of head of FC Madrid, David is sad to leave. He regrets leaving Anaïs (Julie Sassoust), whom he considers his best friend, and all the others… In the evening, everyone gathers in a bar to celebrate his departure, but David does not come. Not wanting to say goodbye, he leaves a tearful voicemail to all his friends wishing them good luck.

Paul Garnier welcomes Rose, Constance (Sabine Perraud), Carla and Bérénice into his house. Rose is very surprised to also see Souleymane, Pénélope, Jasmine and Jim arrive. Very embarrassed, she declares that she cannot let them stay, but Paul intervenes and invites everyone. Rose then asks Carla to go and apologize to Paul. At the same time, the latter carefully cleans a weapon in his office…


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