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Nikola Lozina annoyed by Julien Tanti, “you…

By Aurélie H

– Published on June 27, 2024 at 9:12 p.m.

In the episode of Apprentis Champions this Thursday, June 27, Nikola Lozina and Julien Tanti disagreed. The atmosphere was a little tense.

After the departure of two candidates from the Apprentice Champions, the Reds and the Yellows faced each other in a javelin event. Simon Féraud succeeded very well in his throw, but Vivian was stronger than him. The Reds were therefore forced to move on to the eliminations and very quickly, Nikola Lozina asked his comrades to vote against him. “I don’t want to deprive anyone of this adventure. I feel that I am the weakest. We are here to win medals and to win money. I caused the association to lose more than 500 euros”he announced into Paga’s microphone.

Nikola Lozina has made his decision

In the interview room, Nikola Lozina then added: “I don’t feel legitimate to be in this team. I realize that everyone has qualities and everyone wins medals and I haven’t been of any use yet. So for me, it’s is too much.” The young dad then asked his teammates to eliminate him. Back at the hotel, Julien Tanti tried to cheer up his comrade, but in vain. “We have never been good at sport. We are good at home to create an atmosphere. We have other qualities. We come across athletes and there will perhaps be events that will suit us. life, you can’t be strong in everything”he told her.

Julien Tanti forced to react

Despite Julien Tanti’s words, nothing helps… Nikola Lozina’s morale is at its lowest and even Manon Tanti’s intervention hasn’t changed anything. The brother then said to him: “Niko, I’m your friend and I’m here for your well-being. So if you tell me that your well-being is to leave here because you’re not well, ok. But for me, that’s makes me sad that you’re leaving, because I’m happy with you here.” To which Nikola Lozina replied: “Oh Ju, you’ll get over it. It’s okay, don’t bring out the violins.” Julien Tanti (who had an argument with Manon) therefore understood that there was no point in insisting.

The Reds team remotivates Nikola Lozina

After this discussion, Julien Tanti then announced to his team: “Nikola, white flag. He’s not in good spirits and he’s not doing well in this competition. It’s not his adventure.” The young Belgian then left the room, saying: “There you go, very good. You summed it up well Ju.” But for the other candidates of the Red team, there is no question of Nikola Lozina leaving the adventure. Sure, he is not very good in the events, but he is extremely important for community life. So they all tried to cheer him up, but it is far from easy. Add to that Soraya’s wish to be eliminated as well as Simon Féraud who prefers to leave with Adixia. A few hours before the ceremony, no one knows who to vote against.


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