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Married at First Sight (M6): Jérémy explains himself (finally) to Marie, “I would like to start by apologizing” (SPOILER)

Jérémy had refused to see Marie in front of the experts during the assessment. Shocked by “such cowardice”, the young woman had difficulty accepting her fate. It was finally in Biarritz that they saw each other again for the first time after the night when everything changed in Bordeaux. The ex-couple asked that the M6 ​​film crews not be present during their exchange so that they could speak without feeling eyes on them and not be further disturbed. It was therefore a fixed shot camera which filmed their reunion. After Marie thanked Jeremy for coming to her, the man who had reacted odiously towards his wife chose to make his mea culpa.

“Everything came out not very pleasant and not very nice”

“I would like to start by apologizing. Apologizing for Friday and for our discussion being so surprising and quick and unexpected and shocking.”, he began by declaring in front of Marie. He then explained with difficulty what had happened in his head when his wife came to his home in Bordeaux. “I don’t know… I had planned the evening watching movies, eating candy, I had prepared a cozy little evening for us watching movies at home and I don’t know, I was tired, we didn’t “wasn’t on the same line and it’s stupid, you have nothing to reproach yourself for”, he detailed. And to resume: “It’s just me who was exhausted and the slightest thing made me bitter and it’s true that at one point you said to me: ‘I feel that there is something, what is it? what’s happening’. And that’s when I told you things and I freaked out a bit…”.

Jérémy then admitted to having gone too far. In his attempt to smooth things over with Marie, he confessed to her: “Everything came out not very pleasant and not very nice”. The young woman then told him that she had in no way understood the discrepancy between his behavior a few hours before and that which he showed towards her at her home. “I didn’t think you were going to want a divorce.”she confided to him, still so hurt.

“I wouldn’t have wanted it to happen like that.”

The Bordeaux marble worker then justified himself: “I was in such a state of weakness and fatigue… I was bitter, I wasn’t feeling well that at the first open door, I threw myself in. It’s true that I often kept that thing to keep to myself, to say nothing until the moment it upsets me too much and I am without a filter (…) I have never managed to manage that“. “I wouldn’t have wanted it to happen like that.”, he added. The young woman then tried to find out if when he told her that she in no way corresponded to what he was looking for, he really meant it… A question which initially embarrassed Jérémy and which he will answer this Monday 24 June in the final episode of season 8 of Married at first sight at 9:10 p.m. on M6.


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