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Kelly breaks up with Lionel and goes to join Salomé, Maya disappointed by Malik… The summary of the episode of Monday June 24, 2024

In the episode ofHere it all begins As of this Monday, June 24, 2024, Maya is completely destabilized. Malik recently encouraged him to make peace with Quentin. The student confides in Victorine. Very quickly, she explains that she is disturbed by Malik. “I find it very pleasant to watch“, she confides to Hortense’s sister. Unfortunately, the two young women are caught up by time. They have to practice for their exams.

Here it all begins in advance: Maya admits her crush for Malik…

In the kitchens of the Institute, Marc Leroy, the new interim director of the Institute, welcomes Malik, Maya, Léonard and Souleymane. They have three hours to create a creative recipe. Just that ! And they are not allowed to use recipe books. Malik is destabilized because he has no inspiration. Maya decides to help him by giving him a recipe to make on a small piece of paper. Suddenly, the young man’s face lights up, he gets to work, and in the end, finishes second in this exercise! He hastens to thank Quentin’s little sister. The latter takes advantage of the opportunity to try to renew a friendship with Malik. “Maya, you know very well that I have feelings for you. I don’t know if this is a good idea” replies the student. Leonard’s best friend is all the more disappointed because she secretly hoped that Malik would spend the evening with her, Léonard and Victorine. Later, as the trio prepares, they return to the absence of their fourth sidekick. And Maya finally admits to having feelings for Malik! Her two friends explode with joy and encourage her to find the one of her heart to discuss it… Following their advice, she comes out of her room and discovers him in the arms of another girl.

Here it all begins in advance: Paul invites Rose to his villa!

Between Rose and Paul, it’s love at first sight! Indeed, from their first meeting, the man suggested to the Institute’s Director of Masters that they come and spend the summer at his home, in his sumptuous villa. Rose is surprised! She explains that she is not alone: “There is my daughter, my daughter’s friend, the sister of my daughter’s friend, it’s complicated…” But for Paul, this presents no problem: Carla, Bérénice and Constances are welcome. Touched by this attention, Auguste Armand’s daughter agrees to think about it. A few hours later, Rose shows photos of Paul’s house to Constance. Emmanuel Teyssier’s wife is excited, she encourages him to accept this proposal. However, Clotilde Armand’s sister is upset because she has not yet dared to broach this subject with Carla. When mother and daughter meet again, the student explains that she is not convinced by the idea of ​​spending her vacation with one of her mother’s flirts…

Here it all begins in advance: Kelly breaks up with Lionel…

In the early morning, after his failed marriage proposal the day before, Lionel is nervous, which worries Jasmine and Jim. They try to reason with the young man but he doesn’t want to hear anything and launches into a long tirade: “Pay attention to the couple’s collapse! For you, it’s all beautiful, it’s all rosy… But it won’t last!” Later in the day, Kelly, the big winner of the Coupe de France, finds Lionel and she has bad news. Indeed, Laëtitia’s daughter tells her that she has agreed to join Salomé in Dinard. Panicked, Lionel tries to hold her back… In vain! “You are my first love. I discovered everything with you. But today I need to find out who Kelly is without Lionel… I need something else.”she explains in tears to her now ex-boyfriend.


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