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Camille Santoro (Large families) overloaded with tasks, she talks about the difficulties of her new life as a single mother

Today at 06:00 – by
Sophie Bongart

This Thursday, June 20, Camille Santoro spoke in an Instagram story about a very stressful start to the day. This single mother, who is looking after her six children this week, had a lot of difficulty managing this morning.

Revealed in Large families: life in XXL in July 2020, Camille Santoro shared her life as a mother of six children – Alessio, Nino, Emie, twins Maé and Mattia, and Alba – and as a wife. With her husband Nicolas, they met very young and quickly started a family. Since its participation in the TF1 docu-reality, the tribe has experienced many upheavals. Indeed, Camille and Nicolas Santoro announced their separation in November 2023. Since then, the 32-year-old single mother has been juggling between the education of her children, of whom she has custody every other week, and her new life as a clothing designer for children. Last May, she spoke about the difficulties encountered during the move of her business, November 10th.

Camille Santoro (Large families) : “It’s not easy to manage all six alone”

This Thursday, June 20, Camille Santoro took advantage of a moment of calm, after taking the children to school, to make a “little express hello” to his Instagram community. “I hated this start of the morning”begins the mother. “I usually tell you that everything is going well, the way I organize myself. But this morning, I was overwhelmed. As soon as I wake up, I push the children. I had an appointment at 8:30 a.m., I had to be at the children’s school at 9 a.m. I stressed! Days where I feel like nothing fits into the timing. It’s difficult without help, but sometimes there’s no choice. It’s not easy to manage all six alone“.

Camille Santoro announces big news for her twins

Fortunately, Camille Santoro, who recently wrote a moving text a year after the death of her father, received very good news: “Little ray of sunshine in my day! I got the principal, and the twins are together next year. You have no idea what a huge relief this is for me.” Camille says she is very satisfied with her children’s school. A school which has the merit of participating in the well-being of children. “They are attentive! Mattia could stay without his brother, but Maé, I didn’t feel it at all. He was 100% in agreement with that and I find that really cool.”

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

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