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Book. Time to say goodbye with the last volume of Cahiers d’Esther by Riad Sattouf

Did you also say to yourself when you closed the first volume that it would be a long time to wait nine years to read them all? And finally, that’s it, Les Cahiers d’Esther is finished. Riad Sattouf has just delivered the latest album of the adventures of the young girl who has just turned 18.

And for our heroine – who really exists and whom the author has followed since she was 10 years old, if it still needs to be clarified – it’s time to transition to adult life. A moment struck by uncertainty, particularly regarding studies and his professional future. The boys ? She hates them less than before! And throughout the pages we always discover Esther’s thoughts on society with humor and tenderness. When we close the ninth and final volume, it is with a pang in our hearts that we leave Esther, whom we took pleasure in watching grow up.

The Notebooks of Esther Volume 9 – Story of my 18th birthday, Riad Sattouf, Allary Éditions


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