DayFR Euro

Such a big sun deprogrammed, Aurore Delplace and Constantin Balsan react: “We are asked to spread the word…”

On France 2, it is not uncommon forSuch a big sun be temporarily unscheduled, due to current events. From June 21 to July 5, the soap opera will once again be absent from the air, due to the legislative elections. Instead, the public service will broadcast campaign clips from the different political parties running. A hard blow for fans of the soap opera, who had suffered a similar scenario during the last European elections.

When people come to see us in the street…”

Guests at the Monte-Carlo Television Festival which takes place from June 14 to 18, 2024, Aurore Delplace and Constantin Balsanwho respectively play Johanna Lemeur and Yann Cross in the series, reacted to Télé 7 jours… “I understand that viewers are not happy” confides the one who shares her life with a famous actor of Tomorrow belongs to us. “When people come home from work, they want to be entertained, not to listen to the news and current events. It is kind of a shame”.

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And Constantin Balsan continued: “When people come up to us in the street, it’s to talk about the series, but also about the fact that it’s often unprogrammed. Many people point this out, and rightly so. We are asked to spread the word. What we did, but it’s in the hands of production!” As a catch-up, the channel will offer on Wednesday July 3, from 9:10 p.m., a special evening with seven new episodes.

Soon a baby for Johanne and Yann?

During the interview, the two actors also indulged in some confidences about what awaits the Johanna / Yann couple in the next episodes… “Johanna hopes it’s the right one! They really want a baby. They’re going to address the subject of infertility.” comments Aurore Delplace. “Now how will the couple get through this?” continues Constantin Balsan, “I can’t wait for it to be broadcast to get feedback from the public.”.


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