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Leave in Book • 10th edition

Toulouse is preparing to host the 10th edition of the National Book Festival for young people, Partir en Livre, from June 19 to July 21, 2024. This free festival, which brings together 250,000 children, adolescents and parents each year, is a true celebration reading throughout France and in the overseas territories. To mark its tenth anniversary, Partir en Livre has chosen to highlight the theme “Sport and games”, echoing the 2024 Olympic Games. This flagship event aims to transmit the passion for literature to younger generations, while integrating fun activities.

A festival committed to perpetuating literary culture among young people

Faced with young people who are increasingly exposed to screens, the Partir en Livre festival aims to captivate children and adolescents with the pleasure of reading. By highlighting the richness and diversity of literature, this festival seeks to offer an attractive alternative to digital distractions and to encourage reading among younger generations. Each year, Partir en Livre offers a rich program including workshops, games, shows, readings, as well as meetings with authors and illustrators. This festival is committed to perpetuating culture among young people, thanks to the collaboration of local and national actors sharing the values ​​of the National Book Center.

Leave as a Book © maivapatru

The goal is to make literature accessible to everyone. For example, in 2023, 23% of overall programming took place in rural areas and 18% in priority neighborhoods. The festival thus continues to reach a wide audience, by bringing reading to the hearts of the most diverse communities.

A lively literary summer in Toulouse and its surroundings

The Partir en Livre festival will make the pink city vibrate with its presence in Toulouse on June 19, 21, 22, and 24, as well as July 1, 2, 5, 11, 16 and 18. Enough to energize the city with a multitude of literary and fun activities.

On July 11, the festival will take place in Colomier for a day hosted by the actors and public readers of the Compagnie Paradis-Eprouvette. The festival will also be present in Labège, Saint-Orens and Escalquens from June 19 to July 4, with the participation of the Délires d’encre association for the Science Olympiads.

In Toulouse, APSAR has prepared for the second year in a row a series of activities around the book. Young readers will be able to enjoy fun activities with their families with a library, readings, baking workshops, the opening of an exhibition of books on sport created by nursery school children with the participation of life-size sports silhouettes. Edouard Manceau will present two performances of his show “Dans le nid des Géants”, for an artistic dimension to this rich and diverse event.

The Occitanie Youth Book Festival association invites the public from June 19 to July 21, 2024 to a major children’s book festival. The program will suit all tastes with workshops led by authors and illustrators, readings, radio and screen printing workshops, all set up in the city’s parks and gardens.

Leave in Book (©) Lionel Laget

The world of literature is open to games

Literature joins the festivities for the Paris 2024 Cultural Olympiad, highlighting the richness and diversity of art and sport. At the request of the International Olympic Committee, this program is prepared to take place before and during the Games, and will extend until September 8, 2024.

On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the Partir en Livre festival has the privilege of having Dominique Rocheteau, the former professional footballer, as godfather. In 2023, he shared his story in his book “Foot Sentimental”, where he reveals his life and his values ​​of sharing. For this special edition, the man nicknamed “The Green Angel” will participate in events uniting sport and literature.

A collection of sports news distributed free of charge

Partir en livre brought together the talent of ten authors to create a collection of short stories around the theme of sport. This collection will be distributed free of charge in paper format and will also be accessible on the festival website. This initiative aims to make reading accessible and promote the pleasure of reading among young people. On the occasion of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, this collection explores the link between sport and literature with varied stories ranging from humor to dystopia.

Maëva Feltz

Leave in Book


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