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Famous host mocks Married at First Sight experts

In his column The catch-up session on Wednesday June 5, which Jean-Luc Lemoine holds from Monday to Friday around 9:30 a.m. in the show Culture Media on Europe 1, the host cheerfully made fun of the experts of Married at first sightEstelle Dossin and Gilbert Bou Jaoudé.

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The end is near for this eighth season of Married at first sight on M6. While some couples have already expressed their wish to continue their marriage, like Tracy and Flo, considered 81% compatible, or Alice and Florian, despite their argument over a dish of pasta, the fate of other duos remains uncertain. If the show brings together around 2 million faithful every Monday evening, since its launch on March 18 on Six, Married at first sight continues to be the target of some criticism, including recently, that of the host Jean-Luc Lemoine.

“Don’t be embarrassed!” : Jean-Luc Lemoine tackles with humor Gilbert Bou Jaoudé, the expert in Married at first sight

Wednesday June 5, on the show Culture Media broadcast from Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. on Europe 1, Jean-Luc Lemoine devoted a large part of his column The catch-up session has Married at first sight. A program that the host makes fun of from the presentation: People who don’t know each other get married because they answered the same thing on a questionnaire. Do you like spread and duck breast? It’s okay, we’ll see you at the town hall.”, he asserts with humor behind his microphone. But his taunts don’t stop there.

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The experts of Married at first sight in the viewfinder of Jean-Luc Lemoine

It must be said that the romance program gives Jean-Luc Lemoine something to grind and that a detail from the last episode caught his attention. During the show, expert Estelle Dossin can be heard commenting in voice-over: “We are torn between the desire to move on and to forget, and this little invisible scar which reminds us that the other can hurt us and that sometimes, yes, love causes pain.” So far, nothing unusual. Problem: about thirty minutes later, we hear Gilbert Bou Jaoudé pronounce the same sentence, word for word. Say Gilbert, don’t be embarrassed!, laughs Jean-Luc Lemoine. Same observation later in the show, when Estelle Dossin announces: “Tonight, they are still a little, you could say, in convalescence. I hope that they will rediscover the flame and the intensity of the first days of their relationship”a sentence repeated again identically by Gilbert Bou Jaoudé a few dozen minutes later. “As I don’t know who copied, I put zero on both. That will teach them!, concludes Jean-Luc Lemoine. It’s hard to prove him wrong.

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