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Meïssa (Koh-Lanta) confides in the secret pact he made “from the first day” with another adventurer

This June 4, we will finally know the big winner of this season of Koh-Lanta titled The Immunity Hunters. Meïssa, still in the running, had made a secret pact with another adventurer, “since the first day”.

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The final of Koh Lanta fast approaching. On Tuesday June 4, viewers – and the candidates themselves – will finally know who will win this season of Immunity Hunters. Three participants are still in the running, after last week’s legendary orienteering race. Léa, who amazed everyone in her mastery of the event, will face Julie – very upset after her victory without a compass or clue – and Meïssa on the posts. The latter confided to Ciné-Télé-Revue that this final trio did not correspond to the one he had in mind. The competitor, who won a lot of events in the last weeks of the show, would have liked to be on the poles with his friend Amri. They even made a pact to go as far as possible together. A revelation that will not surprise fans of the TF1 game.

Amri and Meïssa’s strategy could not hold up until the end of the adventure

“From the first day we met, Amri and I had set up a strategy: if we found ourselves on the posts, we would choose each other to go to the final jury”, admits Meïssa. But it didn’t go as planned. After hours of searching under the Philippine sun, Amri failed to find the dagger in time during the orienteering race. It was Julie, who had lost her compass and who was following the actions of the former boxer, who discovered the weapon hidden under the tall grass. “I’m disappointed with Amri’s elimination, but I think we still went very far together”reacted Meïssa

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Home straight for Meïssa in Koh Lanta

Meïssa and Amri have been talked about a lot this season in Koh Lanta. Their alliance from the first days of reunification and the strategies put in place to eliminate one by one all those who got in their way, despite their supposed loyalty to their initial team, did not please the other adventurers. Many members of the final jury, notably Sébastien, eliminated twice because of betrayals, are angry with Amri and Meïssa. To win the game, the candidate from Hauts-de-Seine will have to put in a good performance on set and convince the jury to vote for him.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias


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