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Un Si Grand Soleil in advance: summary of the episode of Monday June 3, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

In the next episode of “Un Si Grand Soleil”… Leonor discovers with surprise who Bertier’s mysterious new conquest is. For her part, Janet learns news that could change everything…

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Un Si Grand Soleil broadcast Friday evening on France 2! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read what follows!

Monday June 3 in Un si grand soleil…

Laurent declared his love to Nathalie

AL Cosmetiques, Laurent leaves a registered letter at reception to send. Nathalie takes the opportunity to offer to accompany her to the cinema this evening. Laurent readily accepts. On the other hand, he reminds her that their colleagues should not see them leaving together. They therefore decide to meet directly at the cinema.

A few moments later, Carine finds Enric and Léonor. The latter suggests that they go eat at a Chinese restaurant this afternoon. Enric suggests asking Laurent to join them.

Carine thinks he has better things to do and points out to his colleagues that he has often been at the switchboard since Nathalie’s arrival. She wonders if she isn’t his new conquest.

A little later, Enric goes to Laurent’s office to ask him to go to a restaurant with him and his colleagues. But he’s already having lunch. Enric takes the opportunity to ask her questions about her love life.

Laurent admits that he really likes Nathalie. Enric asks him if he is in love. Laurent admits to having feelings. He tried to declare his love to Nathalie but she avoids the conversation. Enric advises his friend to talk to him about it to be sure.

At Les Sauvages, Emma invites Tom to dinner at the hut this evening but he has already planned to see Maéva. She asks him if their mother knows. Tom replies that, even if he hid it from her, she would know because she works in the same company as Maéva’s mother.

He tells her that Nathalie is delighted with her new job. Emma is pessimistic. Tom regrets that his sister does not notice that she has changed.

For his part, Laurent finds Nathalie before the cinema. He decides to go for it and admits to her that she is more than a friend in his eyes and that he has feelings for her. She is an extraordinary woman, and he never stops thinking about her when they are apart.

Taken by surprise, Nathalie doesn’t know what to answer and prefers to cancel their trip to the cinema. Laurent is injured. A few minutes later, while she is on her way home, she calls Laurent to apologize.

She didn’t want to hurt him but she doesn’t feel ready to start a new story. She loves the moments they spend together, and suggests that they not change anything in their relationship. Laurent does not answer and wishes him a good evening before hanging up hastily.

Janet discovers the unthinkable

It’s Janet’s birthday. Clement plans to take his wife to a new restaurant to celebrate. Janet suggests that she go pick him up directly from the police station. She doesn’t want him to be late on his birthday.

Janet notices that her husband is preoccupied. Becker confides to him that he is working on a rape case that Claudine is handling and he would like this case to go differently. Janet replies that she would like this evening to not talk about work or her ex. Clément promises him.

At the BGL office, Claudine informs Johanna that the police have rejected her request for a confrontation between her client and Baptiste Joussan. She doesn’t understand why. She feels that the police are not taking the matter seriously.

Johanna confides to him that she tried to probe Yann because this affair affects her. But he was evasive. He also replied that the case risked being closed for lack of evidence.

Claudine doesn’t understand why things are happening so quickly. The investigation has only just begun. The lawyer then picks up her phone and immediately calls her ex-husband. She leaves him a message and asks him to call her back.

Prosecutor Picard’s plan to bring down Joussan is in motion. Yann summoned the latter to the police station. When he arrived, the policeman claimed to have forgotten to make him sign a statement.

Joussan signs the sheet without hesitation and asks him what the next steps in the case are. Yann reassures him and tells him that he has nothing to worry about. He thinks that the prosecutor will close the file very quickly because it is empty.

They have other concerns. Yann asks him to keep it to himself and to be discreet. When he leaves the police station, Joussan calls his lawyer to take him into his confidence. Levars takes the opportunity to advise his client to make an appointment with a psychologist trained in sexology but Joussan refuses.

When night falls, and unable to contact her ex-husband, Claudine arrives at the police station furious. She asks him why he refuses a confrontation between his client and Joussan.

Clément replies that he has no time to give him because he is expected for dinner. Faced with Claudine’s insistence, Becker ends up telling her that the case risks being closed. Claudine is outraged and deplores that her ex-husband’s great principles are just empty words.

It’s like when we slept together a few days before your wedding, ultimately it wasn’t very important…” she tells him. Unfortunately, Janet, who had come to pick up her husband at the police station, heard everything.

She asks Claudine to leave them. Janet then asks her husband if Clément slept with his ex-wife before their marriage. Becker ends up confessing to him. Janet is on the verge of tears.


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