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Géraldine Maillet (TPMP) hid a secret from Cyril Hanouna for a year and a half, “It doesn’t…

Géraldine Maillet has been a columnist on the show for several years now Don’t Touch My Post. With her outspokenness and her convictions, Daniel Riolo’s partner is sometimes criticized on social networks. Internet users find that she is a little pretentious. But Géraldine Maillet’s phrasing has an explanation: her mother being deaf, she learned to articulate well so that she could read her lips. “This is why I articulate a lot and why some people think that I have pretentious phrasing. In fact, I am distorted by my habits with my mother”she explained to Gala.

Géraldine Maillet in clash with Cyril Hanouna

In TPMPGéraldine Maillet is often confronted with Cyril Hanouna in certain debates. At the microphone of Sud Radio Media, she returned to these multiple clashes: “I have no role. No one has any role. I hammer it home, I repeat it, because I feel like it has a hard time getting into people’s heads. It’s a show where I’ve been there for seven years. I always say what I think with sincerity. I could be wrong, we don’t have complete knowledge.”

Géraldine Maillet then added: “I understand that it can be offensive. In fact, for me, it’s a kind of family dinner and sometimes we fight and things get out of hand. I’ve already had family dinners where we talked about politics and at the end we spoke to each other very badly, because we didn’t agree, because it was divisive, because it was a source of conflict… Afterwards, we sulk for a week Sometimes, there are epidermal themes. where we blame so-and-so for doing that and not so-and-so. There is resentment, anger. Afterwards, it’s the family ‘I love you and I hate you at the same time’. There are no hard feelings.”

Géraldine Maillet opens up about the death of her grandmother

In addition to TPMPGéraldine Maillet has released a new book, entitled My Tiny. In it, she talks about her grandmother’s stroke. For Purepeopleshe returned to this painful moment: “When my grandmother had her stroke, it was a Sunday, it was 2 p.m. The firefighters arrived for first aid ten minutes later and it was ten interminable minutes. I said to myself : ‘She will die’, ‘She will have irreversible after-effects and she will be a vegetable’.”

The columnist then indicated that Daniel Riolo had been of unfailing support. “It also happened in front of her eyes, so I imagine it was hard too. We tell ourselves that we don’t want her to disappear into a salon we go to every weekend. Because that there is something a little strong, a little hard, a little meaningful. He supported me like no other.”

Géraldine Maillet did not want to talk to Cyril Hanouna about it

The death of her grandmother, Géraldine Maillet did not tell Cyril Hanouna who made fun of Polska’s physique. “I didn’t talk about it with Cyril. He is very modest, like me. It never crossed my mind (…) it would have been indecent”she confided in the columns of Gala. Only a few close friends knew about the ordeal Géraldine Maillet went through. This is the case of Valérie Bénaïm.


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