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Luna tells the police that she killed Yanis, but Boher thinks she has accomplices! The summary of episode 181 of Tuesday October 1, 2024

In the episode of More beautiful life from Tuesday October 1st, already available for streaming… Aya and Killian flirt nicely. As he wants to kiss her, she turns her head. An attitude that surprises even her since she would like to start a story again with Thomas’ brother. Later, Killian is flattered when Aya asks him to attend his graduation. Bad luck, it came right at the time when he was planning to visit Betty… That morning, Babeth ran into Patrick to ask him to “find a way to get out“Luna. According to her, Luna confessed to protect someone. “The investigation is not complete, there are certainly new elements that will emerge,” Patrick told him, promising to be vigilant.

More beautiful life in advance: Barbara, Jennifer and Blanche are summoned to the police station

“Luna has everything planned, it’s going to be fine,” promises Thomas, wanting to reassure Jennifer and Barbara, summoned to the police station. Just like Blanche. For his part, Boher informs Samuel of the summons of the three women. “The more I think about these confessions, the less I believe them,” explains Boher. Between Luna’s argument with her friends and her size which makes it difficult to believe that she acted alone, according to Boher “nothing holds”. They are interrupted by Maître Bataille, a woman specializing in criminal law who has come to represent Luna. When she meets the lawyer, she lets herself be convinced by her frankness, honesty and energy.

More beautiful life in advance: Luna makes false confessions and claims to have killed Yanis

During her interrogation, Luna, assisted by her lawyer, tells Samuel how things happened on the day of Yanis’ death: the lunch, the argument, how she was left alone, her meeting with Yanis, her fear of dying when he threatened her with a wrench… Samuel is surprised when Luna says she moved the victim’s body alone.
For their part, the three girls tell more or less the same story. “It’s crazy, your story fits perfectly with that of Barbara Evenot et Blanche Marci“, Boher is surprised during Jennifer’s testimony. The opportunity to announce to him that a reconstitution will take place at the end of the day. “We will soon know if Luna Torres tells us the truth”, he concludes.

More beautiful life in advance: The cops understand that Luna lied

If Barbara is worried about her friend, Blanche and Jennifer want to be reassuring. At the same time, Luna is back in the forest, this time accompanied by the cops and the investigating judge but not by her lawyer, detained elsewhere.due to a last minute contingency.” The reconstruction will therefore be filmed and can begin.
Luna tells by miming what happened, answers Boher’s questions… Samuel takes Kireos’s place and when he is on the ground, Luna has a hard time dragging him by his feet as she claims having done it. “It looks complicated,” notes Boher before specifying to the judge that “Kairos is 20 kilos heavier” than Samuel. Luna then explains that she found a tarpaulin in Yanis’ trunk, which made it easier to move the body. At this moment, the hunter that Luna met when she came back to get the phone on Kairos’ body arrives and recognizes her. “Are you doing a treasure hunt again? Aren’t your colleagues here?” he asks Luna, referring to Blanche and Jennifer…


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