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Trouble ahead in “Weapons”

Spotted by Allan Craig, Mick Vanier could realize his dream of joining the JTF 16 unit. The recruit must first undergo a series of tests intended to test his loyalty. Savard is still determined to clean up the Kanawata base. Looking for allies, he realizes that Craig has even more power than he thought.

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Since his arrival at the Kanawata military base, Lieutenant-Colonel Louis-Philippe Savard has gone from surprise to surprise. From the start, he noted that Allan Craig is seen as a supreme being: nothing is done or said without his knowledge. “Savard has now understood that there is an army within the army in Kanawata: a shadowy, unofficial army, led by Allan Craig. He’s the one who controls everything,” underlines Pierre-Marc Drouin, the author of the series.

When Savard arrived, it seemed agreed that the colonel would focus on JTF 16, his elite unit, and leave command of the base to the newcomer. Craig seemed to agree—on the surface. He left his office to Savard, but he still pulls the strings. The lieutenant colonel refuses to let him do this: for him, every life is important. He cannot turn a blind eye after a man has died, even if this individual was part of a ghost squad and the deceased must also be considered a ghost. Every day, Savard discovers irregularities in the military base; he wishes to denounce and correct them. Unfortunately, he made enemies, and his family was threatened.

One more motivation

Savard knows that going after Allan Craig can only get him into trouble, but the stakes are too high, and he refuses to give in to blackmail or threats. For him, this is proof that he has gotten his nose into something fishy, ​​and he has no intention of stopping until he gets to the bottom of it. “Savard does not allow himself to be walked on and does not accept any form of intimidation. During a meeting, General Foster made him understand that he was neither for nor against his initiative to bring down Colonel Craig. However, whatever Savard decides to do, he must act in the greatest secrecy and choose his allies very carefully,” mentions Pierre-Marc Drouin.

Finding people you can trust is arguably the lieutenant colonel’s most difficult task. He understood that if he was wrong, the consequences would be unfortunate, even dangerous. However, he must get started, and the person who seems best placed to help him is military policewoman Kim Falardeau. Since he is not entirely sure he can trust her, he first uses his authority to entrust her with a mission. “Their collaboration begins with this showdown. They could become allies, but it will be complicated, since Savard uses Kim because of his links with Wesley.

Trouble ahead

Due to what is happening at Kanawata, the lieutenant colonel may stay at the base longer than expected. Meanwhile, his son, Ivan, is having more and more problems, which the lieutenant colonel cannot manage from a distance. “He has to make a decision about the family. Would it be better if Maria and Ivan came to join him in Kanawata? Do they even want it? It will give rise to a big discussion,” reveals the author.

As for Aiden Larochelle, we understood that he is not in Kanawata just to take part in the rookie camp. “Like several others, he is a Craig mole. It is part of the system that operates behind the scenes. Thanks to him, Mick Vanier fell into the eye of the colonel, who could make him a member of JTF 16. He cannot officially put him to the test, but we must test him in order to observe how he behaves in various situations,” explains Pierre-Marc Drouin. Mick has understood that people are interested in him, and that his every move is being monitored. Will it live up to expectations?



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