Audiences: For his 3rd day at the helm of “Tout le monde veut prendre sa place”, has Cyril Féraud reduced the gap with “Les 12 coups de midi” by Jean-Luc Reichmann?
DayFR Euro

Audiences: For his 3rd day at the helm of “Tout le monde veut prendre sa place”, has Cyril Féraud reduced the gap with “Les 12 coups de midi” by Jean-Luc Reichmann?

Did Cyril Féraud catch up with viewers along the way? While the first episode of the host at the helm of “Tout le monde veut prendre sa place” was a success, with 1.79 million viewers at noon on Monday (i.e. 21.7% of the audience and 12.1% of FRDA-50), only 1.35 million loyal viewers turned up for the second episode, broadcast at noon on Tuesday, which corresponds to 17.5% of the audience. That is a drop of 440,000 viewers compared to the previous day. His competitor Jean-Luc Reichmann had then achieved more than double the number of viewers on the One channel with “Les 12 coups de midi” and its 2.71 million fans (36.4% of the audience).

230,000 additional viewers for “TLMVPSP”

So did he get back on track this Wednesday? For his third show, the former presenter of “Slam” gathered an average of 11:56 to 12:48, 1,58 million of viewers, which is equivalent to 18,5% audience aged 4 and over. The game won 230.000 viewers and 1 point PDA compared to Tuesday’s show. Opposite, Jean-Luc Reichmann gathered 2.87 million loyal viewers and 35.2% of the public. The gap has therefore slightly reduced between the two programs (1.29 million viewers against 1.36 million the day before).

As a reminder, Jarry brought together an average of 1.64 million viewers last year each lunchtime between Tuesday, August 8, 2023 and Thursday, July 25, 2024, or 19.3% of the audience aged four and over. Before him, Laurence Boccolini had an average of 1.54 million viewers, or 17.9% of the entire audience. The show was already up compared to the 2021/2022 season, the host’s first (1.47 million viewers, 16.9% of the audience between Monday, August 9, 2021 and Thursday, July 28, 2022).

ALSO READ: Cyril Féraud (“Everyone wants to take his place”): “From now on my schedule will adapt to my son”

For his part, Cyril Féraud had confided to that “person“France Télévisions had not given him an audience target. The host and co-producer of the game had however explained that it would be necessary to “give viewers time to get back into the habit of coming back at lunchtime“, after a disrupted schedule this summer, linked to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris.


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