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Barbara wants to report herself to the police, Ariane leaves Djawad, Kilian and Aya kiss… The summary of episode 173 of Thursday September 19, 2024

In Life is more beautiful, even more beautiful, the TF1 soap opera, Barbara is ready to denounce herself but Thomas stops her at the last moment. The couple Ariane and Djawad are in crisis while Aya and Killian are back at it.

Thursday September 19, 2024 in More beautiful lifealso available in streaming… Barbara doesn’t know how to tell Thomas that he has to give up his shares to Vanessa Kepler, the crow. She doesn’t know how to ask him. The boss feels guilty as hell. Barbara wants to report herself to the police.

More beautiful life in advance: Barbara wants to denounce herself

Eric doesn’t understand why Luna and Blanche have to give up Le Pavillon des fleurs to Vanessa. He even offers to stop being paid. Blanche refuses and explains to him that they have no other choice. Her friend senses that she is not well. Blanche explains to him that she is stressed. At the Mistral, Barbara is tense. She starts to cry in front of Thomas. She explains to him that she did something stupid by yelling at Yaël last night. Thomas thinks that she is hiding something else from him and explains to her that he will support her no matter what. At the police station, Samuel learns that Kiros’ credit card was given to a homeless person in Milan. Julia gave it to him and she made the round trip during the day. At the end of the day, Barbara thanks Thomas for his unwavering support. As she leaves to report herself to the police station, Thomas holds her back and asks her to tell him everything. They will face it together. Samuel watches them from afar.

More beautiful life in advance: Zoé discovers her mother’s relationship with Djawad

While searching her mother’s phone, Zoé discovers with surprise that her mother Ariane is having an intimate relationship with Djawad. She makes fun of her mother who has worn too much makeup to go out. She suggests that they go shopping on her day off. She pretends that she has an appointment with her ENT. She promises to be back in two hours. In the coves, Ariane explains to Djawad that Zoé has burned them. She doesn’t want to screw everything up. She suggests that they stop everything. As they kiss goodbye, the two lovers kiss each other languidly once again. Back home, Zoé reveals to him that she knows everything! She asks him to choose between Djawad and her. Ariane replies that she loves her more than anything and that she will never take the risk of losing her.

More beautiful life ahead: Kilian and Aya kiss

Killian teaches Aya to ride a bike in the garden of the Palais du Pharo. The young girl is too afraid of falling. Frightened, she refuses to start. Killian encourages her as much as possible and reminds her that she helped him with the computer. He will do the same with her and her bike. Aya finally succeeds. After this learning, Aya thanks her friend with a kiss.


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