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Belgian eliminated from “Koh-Lanta: The Cursed Tribe”: “I paid for it from the first days!”

I would have liked to go further, to see more things (…) This vote is right. I was hungry. I am the only person responsible” he said in front of his yellow teammates.

Asked by The Last Hourthe HR manager says to himself “disappointed“but also”serene“to leave the adventure at this stage.”Strategically, it was more interesting for a boy to go. Unfortunately, I was only able to show part of my skills.” explains Michel.

Before you start Koh-Lantahaven’t you prepared yourself to eat less?

“At home, there was zero preparation before Koh-Lanta! (laughs) II continued to eat as I usually do, which is to say a lot! And there you have it, I paid for it in the first few days. If I had to do it again, I would ask my sister for dietary advice.

Have you come out of this adventure changed?

“It’s impossible to come out of this adventure unchanged. You suffer a lot, you don’t sleep much, the emotions are very strong. It’s an adventure where you have to learn to live with other profiles, with people you wouldn’t necessarily meet in normal life. You have to put up with everyone, you have no choice! It makes you grow.”

What is your best memory in Koh-Lanta?

The market! It was incredible because I was very hungry! But also because it was my mom’s birthday.

If you were asked to participate again in Koh-Lantawhat would you answer?

I don’t know if I would participate again. Koh-Lanta. At the moment, I haven’t taken enough of a step back to make a decision about it. But if Ilyesse takes part, I might say yes! Between us, it clicked right away. I formed real bonds of friendship with him, just like with Thibaut and Fabrice, two people I probably would never have met on my own outside of Koh-Lanta.”


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